
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:何庆忠,张惠珍 主编  页数:247  


北京奥运会的成功举办大大激发了中国人学习英语的热情。英语在现代世界体育竞技舞台上扮演着官方语言的角色,并且在体育科技、体育文化交流等方面英语与其他语言相比也占据着优势。随着中国体育对外交流的深入,要想了解更多的世界体育资讯,与世界更好地进行交流和沟通,我们必须学好体育英语。    本书是为体育专业的学生以及体育英语学习者编写而成的。全书共18个单元,涉及奥运会比赛项目25个,每个单元基本分为以下几方面内容:(1)Text(课文):主要是能较全面反映该项目特点的内容,如项目的发展史、项目的简介等。(2)Words and Expressions(单词与短语):主要把课文中出现的一些较难的词汇及专业词汇进行中文注解,便于学生理解与掌握。(3)Supplementary Reading(补充读物):选取著名的运动员、赛事等进行简要介绍,加深学生对该项目及其专业词汇的记忆。(4)Exercises(课后练习):选取课文中与项目特点紧密相关的内容设计练习,如判断正误、英译汉等,以帮助学生更好地提高阅读和翻译体育专业材料的能力。(5)Discussion(主题讨论):为了提高学生体育专业知识的语言表达能力和更好地掌握体育专业知识,每课均设有相关的主题讨论。(6)Study for Fun(趣味学习):选取与某项目相关的一些趣味性的语言或故事,旨在提高学生对专业英语的学习兴趣,更好地掌握体育专业词汇。书后所附各单元的练习答案可供参考。


Unit 1 FootballUnit 2 BasketballUnit 3 VolleyballUnit 4 Table TennisUnit 5 TennisUnit 6 BadmintonUnit 7 Baseball and SoftballUnit 8 AthleticsUnit 9 SwimmingUnit 10 GymnasticsUnit 11 CyclbigUnit t2 WeightliftingUnit 13 Archery and ShootingUnit 14 Single's Flghting EventsUnit 15 Triathlon and Modern PentathlonUnit 16 Freestyle SkiingUnit 17 Figure SkatingUnit 18 Short Track Speed Skating


  Twist lifts are a form of pair lifts, where the lifted partner is thrown into theair, twists, and is caught by the lifted partner. The lady may do a split before thetwist, called a split twist. This is not mandatory, but it increases the level of theelement. The lady must be caught by her waist in the air. She lands on thebackward outside edge. The man also ends the lift on one foot.  In both pairs and dance, lifts that go on longer than allowed receivedeductions.  Synchronized skating teams are also allowed to perform lifts in the freeskating portion of the senior division only. Lifts can be pair lifts (such as in adance lift) or a group lift with two or more skaters lifting another skater. In a pairlift, no more than one arm may be fully extended above the head at any time.Acrobatic lifts are not allowed. To gain additional points, teams will sometimesrotate and/or move lifts across the ice.


  中国大学英语教学改革的方向  中国社会经济发展的必然要求



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   书的质量不错,内容和还细看,每次在当当网买书,只是这次送货好慢,5天才到!!
  •   用英语学说各种体育专业术语,以后再看外国的体育赛事转播直播时,就稍微知道他们在说什么了
  •   对于体育英语的提高,有一定的帮助,还不错

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