出版时间:2010-1 出版社:暨南大学出版社 作者:刘丽娟,辛铜川 主编 页数:156
In the 15 years of teaching medical English I have frequently felt the pressing need for an ap-propriate textbook, either practical and effective in a classroom setting or helpful as a self-taughttool for a motivated student with little or no supervision. Sponsored two years ago by the TeachingAffairs Department of Jinan University, the textbook "Basic Medical English" has finally comeinto being, with its mission to provide the basics of medical language for medical students. This book, developed from teaching experience, has several features that distinguish it fromother textbooks in that a comprehensive introduction to the formation of medical terminology, andvarious examples and supporting exercises that are practical and helpful, are provided for both theinstructor and the student. Chapter One introduces briefly the etiology of English language and that of medical English. Oneof the characteristics of medical language "one word in three forms" is presented in this chapter. Chapter Two and Three provide a foundation for the formation of medical terminology. Itbegins with the word parts or word elements: roots, prefixes, suffixes, combining vowels andcombining forms, followed by a simple way of translating a medical term into English. The mostcommonly used word parts are listed within these two chapters. Chapter Four through fifteen present special medical terms related to body systems. Eachchapter begins with a short brief passage, acting as a platform for the entry of a certain bodysystem, mainly the introduction to the structure and function of this body system. The word parts,the medical terms, surgical terms, and terms of disease and disorders, all of which are related tothis body system, are arranged after the passage. The chapter ends with various exercises, enablingstudents to reinforce what theyve learned in the preceding parts and thus easily recognize or evenbuild medical terms themselves. Keys to exercises are provided for students to monitor their ownlearning. In presenting this textbook, I wish that medical students, through a one-semester course, willnot feel that recognizing medical terms is so difficult as they first appear, especially with thosecompound words consisting of joined Greek or Latin word roots, prefixes, suffixes and combingforms, and that by learning some simple ways of analyzing the language of medicine, they are sureto understand the meaning of medical terms, or perhaps become much interested in even trying toform their own medical terms.
This book, developed from teaching experience, has several features that distinguish it from other textbooks in that a comprehensive introduction to the formation of medical terminology, and various examples and supporting exercises that are practical and helpful, are provided for both the instructor and the student. Chapter One introduces briefly the etiology of English language and that of medical English. Chapter Two and Three provide a foundation for the formation of medical terminology. Chapter Four through fifteen present special medical terms related to body systems. Each chapter begins with a short brief passage, acting as a platform for the entry of a certain body system, mainly the introduction to the structure and function of this body system.
PrefaceChapter One A Brief Introduction to Medical TerminologyChapter Two Formation of Medical Terminology (I)Chapter Three Formation of Medical Terminology (II)Chapter Four Pronunciation and Plural Forms of Medical TermsChapter Five Human Body StructureChapter Six The Integumentary SystemChapter Seven The Museuloskeletal SystemChapter Eight The Cardiovascular SystemChapter Nine The Respiratory SystemChapter Ten The Digestive SystemChapter Eleven The Nervous SystemChapter Twelve The Urinaary and Male Reproductive SystemChapter Thirteen The Female Reproductive System and ObstetricsChapter Fourteen The Endocrine SystemChapter Fifteen The Blood and Lymphatic SystemIndexBibliography
The cell is enclosed in a membrane which regulates and controls the entryand exit of substances to and from the cell. Within the nucleus are contained 23 pairs of chromo-somes, the slender threads composed of still smaller units called genes. There are 46 chromosomes(23 pairs) in all human cells, with the exception of mature sex cells, which only have half thisnumber (23). Chromosomes and genes are composed mostly of a compound named deoxyribonu-cleic acid that is always referred to as DNA. DNA makes heredity possible and is therefore alsoreferred to as the heredity molecule. The genes are responsible for "coding" the inherited traits ofeach cell and therefore of each human being. All cells are contained in the building material calledprotoplasm, a substance that looks much like the white of an egg. A tissue is a group of similar cells working together to do a specific job. The basic types of tis-sues include : epithelial tissue located all over the body, forms the linings of internal organs, andthe outer surface of the skin covering the body. It also lines exocrine and endocrine glands. Themain functions of epithelial tissue are to protect, absorb, and secrete. Muscle tissue is composedof cells that is capable of contracting (shortening) and relaxing (lengthening), usually producingmovement, enabling you to run, do some physical labor, blink your eyes, swallow your food——anything that involves movement. Skeletal, smooth, and. cardiac are the three types of muscletissue. The main function of muscle tissue is to contract. ~luscle cells are long and slender and arecalled fibers. The fibers decrease in length and increase in thickness during contraction of a mus-cle. Connective tissue is the most abundant and most widely distributed type of tissue. It connects,supports, penetrates, and encases kvarious body structures. There are two types of connectivetissues: solid and fluid. Fibrous tissue, bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons are solidconnective tissues. Blood and plasma are fluid connective tissues. Nerve tissue is the most highlyspecialized tissue that can respond to stimuli and conduct impulses throughout the body. Moreoxygen and nutrition are needed in this tissue than in any other body tissue. Groups of different kinds of cells that work together to perform a specific job are calledorgans. The heart and the stomach, for example, are two organs in human body. Organs,although they act as individual units, do not function without one another. A system is a group of organs that work together to perform complex body functions. Yourbody has many systems. Each system performs one major job, such as breathing or moving. Thesystems in your body work to keep your body active and healthy. Human body is divided into thefollowing systems. They are the integumentary system including the skin, nails, and glands. Theskin forms a protective covering of the body, which when unbroken prevents entry of bacteria andother invading organisms. The skin also protests the body from water loss and from damaging effectsof ultraviolet light. Other functions include regulation of body temperature and synthesis of vitaminD; the skeletal system: framework of the body, supporting organs and furnishing a place ofattachment for muscles; the muscular system: permits motion and movement of the body; thecardiovascular system: a network of blood vessels that bring nutrients and other essential elementsof the cells throughout the body and carry away wastes; the blood vessels and the heart form thecirculatory system; the respiratory system: absorbs oxygen and discharges carbon dioxide.