
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:对外经贸大学  作者:张勉//郭会玲|主编:马魁君  页数:199  




Module One Enquiry and Reply
Module Two Arrival or Departure Notice/Vessel Movement
Module Three Pilotage
Module Four Procedures for Inward/Outward Ship and Cargo
Module Five Discharging
Module Six Loading
Module Seven Services to the Ship
Module Eight Services for the Seaman
Module Nine Claims
Module Ten Accounting
Appendix Commonly Used Shipping Abbreviations


  7. Liability of DMS and limitation thereof  7.1. DMS is liable under the provisions of Danish law concerning compensation forerrors and negligence in the performance by its employees (and/or subcontractors) of Services,it being noted that for all pilotage undertaken by DMS such Services are granted only asprofessional advice by the pilot in question to the master of the Vessel. Accordingly, themaster of the Vessel will at all times remain in command thereof and remain responsible forsuch Vessel.  7.2. Should DMS be held liable according to clause 7.1 above, DMS has no liability forindirect loss of any kind, loss of profits, loss suffered by third parties or any consequentialloss or losses. Moreover for any specific task of services rendered or to be rendered, the totalliability of DMS and/or its pilot(s) or other personnel will in no event exceed an amount equalto 25 times the fee paid or payable to DMS for rendering such services or a total amount ofDKK 5 000 000.00, whatever thereof being the lesser sum.  7.3. No pilot or other employee of DMS or agents (including independent (sub)contractors from time to time employed by DMS) is liable to the Client for loss, damage ordelay, while acting in the course of or in connection with its employment and/or agency forDMS. Without prejudice to the above, every exemption, limitation, condition and libertyherein contained and every right, exemption from liability, defence or immunity of whatevernature applicable to DMS or to which it is entitled hereunder will also be available and willextend to protect every such pilot or other employee, servant, representative or agent of DMSacting as aforesaid.   ……




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  •   很实用的一本书,相比较而言更适合轮机航海专业的人事使用,打算推荐给我轮机航海的同学们,我是学国际航运管理的,在船公司做客服,很多专业名词是互通的,很好很实用。

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  •   航运上的英语,内容感觉一般,缺少一些详尽的中文解释。
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