
出版时间:2010-11  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:蒋显璟  页数:458  




蒋显璟  对外经济贸易大学英语学院教授,2001—2007年担任语言文学系主任,毕业于北京大学,师从名师赵萝蕤教授专攻英国浪漫主义文学,获博士学位。 


第1册Unit One  Education and Discipline  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Two  The Marks of an Educated Man  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key-to exercisesUnit Three  In Defense of Elitism  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Four  Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Five  Some American Types  Part 1  Notesto vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key toexercisesUnit Six  Boredom: The Most Prevalent American Disease  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Seven  Simplicity  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Eight The Future of Reading  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Nine  Utopian Techniques  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Ten  My Wood  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key-to exercisesUnit Eleven  Selected Snobberies  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Twelve  What to Listen for in Music  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Thirteen  The Epoch of the Secular City  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Fourteen  How Much Is "Enough"?  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Fifteen  Beauty  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Sixteen  On Genius and Originality  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercises第2册Unit One  Knowledge and Wisdom  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Two  Habit  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary,and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Three  The Scientist as Rebel  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Four  Predictable Crises of Adulthood  Part 1   Notes,to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Five  The Evolution of Goodand Bad  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Six Faces of the Enemy  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Seven  Gibbon  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Eight  Philistines and Philistinism  Part 1  Notes t'o vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Nine  The American Scholar  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Ten  A Professional Malaise  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Eleven  Hebraism and Hellenism  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercisesUnit Twelve  The Gift of Tongues  Part 1  Notes to vocabulary and texts  Part 2  Key to exercises    试题与答案    Book 1Essay Reading (I) Quiz OneEssay Reading (I) Quiz TwoEssay Reading (I) Quiz ThreeEssay Reading (I) Quiz FourEssay Reading (I) Quiz FiveEssay Reading (I) Final Paper A (One)Essay Reading (I) Final Paper A (Two)Essay Reading (I) Final Paper A (Three)Essay Reading (I) Final Paper A (Four)Essay Reading (I) Final Paper B (One)Essay Reading (I) Final Paper B (Two)     Book 2Essay Reading (II) Quiz One (1)Essay Reading (II) Quiz One (2)Essay Reading (II) Quiz Two (1)Essay Reading (II) Quiz Two (2)Essay Reading (II) Quiz Two (3)Essay Reading (II) Quiz ThreeEssay Reading (II) Final Paper A (One)Essay Reading (II) Final Paper A (Two)Essay Reading (II) Final Paper A (Three)




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用户评论 (总计31条)


  •   书的质量不错 但是内容一般 几乎对理解英美散文里面的文章没什么用处……
  •   还没买散文一和二,所以这本的内容还没看。不过倒是觉得书本纸的质量没有我想像中的好呢,可能是想的太好了吧。。。。
  •   配合着教材看
  •   因为要考研了,这本参考室真是不错。结合教材一同学习,肯定有帮助。
  •   水平很高,,,需要耐下心慢慢学习
  •   考对外经贸的必备书
  •   考试用书,还没看。到货很快
  •   这本书还不错。。。。。。。
  •   包装很好,越来越喜欢当当的服务了
  •   还可以,看个人需求吧还是
  •   和其他两本挺配的,理解更方便
  •   内容较好,纸质优良
  •   thank you for your service. i was pleased.
  •   这本书不错啊,要是早出一年就好了
  •   这书终于出版了,去年还没有!书印刷质量不错,内容详尽。快递也很快!棒极了!
  •   喜欢喜欢,加油
  •   虽说是辅导用书,可还是全英文的,看它不比看课本轻松多少,当初是为了考外经贸的MTI买的此书,但是现在已经考完了,这本书除了第一课就没往后翻过——但是对于想从长远角度提高英语水平的人而言,阅读一些经典的原版英文是非常有必要的。
  •   同样的是MTI的书~~~
  •   还没用,很期待
  •   辅导书对许多词汇和课文进行了很详细的讲解
  •   看了前两本有些难,希望这本会有些帮助,会努力看的!
  •   挺有用的,后面还附有试题和答案。
  •   挺好 就是如果和英文是一本书就好啦
  •   看了一眼,我的难吧
  •   课本没有答案 参考还比较有用
  •   是正版货,对我很有用的工具书系列
  •   背景知识补充比较多,比较有用;
  •   内容也就是课后答案,没什么太大的用处。。
  •   参考书也是英文的,要耐心看呵呵,我以为汉语版
  •   买之前就看到有人说这本书质量难以恭维,到手才发现真的是叫人失望。纸张太薄了而且那种颜色有点影响我阅读心情。不过这个价钱也值了!书的内容还没看,不过话说回来能用就行了吧!
  •   白买了。。。。

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