
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:张素芳  页数:196  


本书是《国际贸易理论与实务》(英文版)(第二版)教材的辅导用书,该英文版教材也由对外经济贸易大学出版社同期出版。与教材相对应,本《辅导用书》也分18章,内容包括概览、教学目的、小结、练习(含名词解释、思考题、选择题、判断题、计算题、案例分析题等)及答案,此外,还有一套考试样卷及答案。    本辅导用书适合国际经济与贸易专业、金融学专业及国际经济学专业的本科生,以及具有大学英语四级水平和微观经济学基本知识,从事或准备从事国际经济贸易工作的读者使用。


Section I  International Trade Theory and Policy CHAPTER 1  INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE   I. Chapter Overview   II. Chapter Purpose   III. Chapter Summary  IV. Review Questions   A. Briefly define the concepts   B. Questions and problems   C. Multiple-choice questions   D. True or false questions    V. Answers to Review Questions   A. Briefly define the concepts   B. Questions and problems   C. Multiple-choice questions  D. True or false questions CHAPTER 2  CLASSICAL TRADE THEORIES  I. Chapter Overview  II. Chapter Purpose  III. Chapter Summ.ary  IV. Review Questions   A. Briefly define the concepts   B. Questions and problems   C. Multiple-choice questions  V. Answers to Review Questions ……Section II  International Trade PracticePaperAnswers to Questions in the Paper.


插图:2. price subsidy: Direct payment made against the export value or quantum.3. production subsidy: Payment made by a government to firms in a particular industry  based on the output or production.4. devaluation of home currency: Official lowering of the value of a country's currency.5. sporadic dumping: Sporadic dumping means a firm sells a temporary surplus of its  production to whatever price it is able to get (i.e., possibly below the production cost).6. predatory dumping: Dumping which takes place when a firm sells at low price in order to  eliminate competition and eventually to reap monopolist profits.7. persistent dumping: Dumping which takes place when a firm who enjoys domestic  monopolistic power exploits the possibility of price discrimination between domestic and foreign markets in order to maximize profits.8. bonded warehouse: Warehouse that is established upon approval of the customs for  exclusive keeping of bonded goods and other goods that have not gone through customs clearance.9. special trade zone: Also called bonded area or free trade area. It is an area where foreign  goods may be held or processed and then re-exported without incurring duties.10. trade sanctions: Government-mandated restrictive measures relating to trade policy.11. export tax: A tax collected on exported goods.





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用户评论 (总计17条)


  •   英文版的,都是配套的练习,还是很有帮助的。
  •   老师让买的,上课用的教材。
  •   不得不说,这本书还是帮了我大忙的。要知道看一本全英的书课堂走下神就会跟不上,但是有系统的归纳总比我自己归纳强,虽然累但是有了总结还是可以认真看下去的。
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  •   比在学校买 便宜
  •   提纲作用很好,还有助于记单词
  •   书还不错,上课就用这个
  •   东西很好,快递超级给力~好评
  •   帮同学买的,用着还不错。
  •   本想买的是国际贸易实务的辅导用书,不小心买错了,翻了一下,里面每一章节主要有章节的总结,教学目的,以及复习的习题及答案,对学生的学习及提纲挈领的掌握 每一部分内容应该有所帮助.
  •   是对《国际贸易理论与实务》的练习和总结,还行,帮助理解,质量不错,
  •   很好的一本书,认真复习中 准备考试用
  •   收得很快,手感不错。还没开始读。
  •   这本书内容很详细,很适合相关专业自考学生使用!
  •   我其实想买中文版辅导...到了原来全是英文...囧...
  •   如果不是专业的学生,最好先去借本中文参考书,不然不懂

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