
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:封丽丽 主编  页数:273  


  随着经济的发展,我国对外交往活动日益增多,越来越多的国内机构和企业与国外相关行业开展了交流与合作,在这样一个全球化的背景下,商务英语人才不仅要懂得基本的专业知识,更要深入了解国外的文化,《英美概况》正是基于上述前提应运而生。  本教材根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》编写,在编写过程中力图符合英语教师及学生的实际需要和实际水平,做到语言通俗易懂、内容新颖、趣味性强。本教材分为两大部分:英国部分和美国部分。每部分各分为八章,介绍了英、美两国的历史、政治、经济、教育、宗教及文学艺术等方面的基本知识,有助于学习者了解英美的价值观念及生活方式,加深对语言和文化的理解,增强对文化差异的敏感性,达到扩大知识面、巩固和提高英语水平的目的。  英语语言规范是英语教材的基础,为保证学生学到原汁原味的英语,我们的资料全部选自英美书籍、报刊、杂志和网站。大学不仅要教书,而且要育人,我们在每章中穿插了:名人名言——名人的力量是无穷的;欢乐时刻——幽默是金;保持乐观——永远保持积极向上的人生观。使我们的大学生在具备“高智商”的同时也具备“高情商”。其中,“保持乐观”由刘白玉编写。  参加本书编写的其他教师及其分工如下(按照每部分中八章的内容分):概要(刘雪),历史(张军燕),政治(英国部分王晓琳、王春玲,美国部分王莉),经济(韩小宁、顿小慧),军事(韩小宁、顿小慧),文化与教育(刘夏青),宗教(包芳),文学艺术(包芳)。附录部分由扈珺编写。  本教材既可供高职高专英语专业的学生使用,也可作为全校选修课供非英语专业的学生使用,同时也可供英语本科学生及其他英语爱好者参考使用。  本教材另配PPT课件和5套试题,并提供全部练习答案,使用者可查看书后的“赠送课件说明”,以便获取。  本教材在编写过程中得到了对外经济贸易大学出版社及其编辑李丽老师的大力支持,在此表示深深的谢意。同时也特别感谢刘夏青、韩小宁两位老师,她们不辞辛劳,参与了教材的定稿校正。  由于时间仓促,再加上编者水平有限,书中难免有缺点和错漏之处,恳请专家和读者批评指正。


本教材根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》编写,在编写过程中力图符合英语教师及学生的实际需要和实际水平,做到语言通俗易懂、内容新颖、趣味性强。     本教材分为两大部分:英国部分和美国部分。每部分各分为八章,介绍了英、美两国的历史、政治、经济、教育、宗教及文学艺术等方面的基本知识,有助于学习者了解英美的价值观念及生活方式,加深对语言和文化的理解,增强对文化差异的敏感性,达到扩大知识面、巩固和提高英语水平的目的。


Part One  The United Kingdom Chapter 1  Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom Chapter 2  History of the United Kingdom Chapter 3  British Politics Chapter 4  Economy Chapter 5  Military Chapter 6  Culture and Education Chapter 7  Religion Chapter 8  Literature and ArtsPart Two  The United States Chapter 1  Brief Introduction to the United States of America Chapter 2  History of the United States Chapter 3  American Politics Chapter 4  Economy Chapter 5  Military Chapter 6  Culture and Education Chapter 7  Religion Chapter 8  Literature and ArtsAppendix I: Prime Ministers of the United KingdomAppendix II: Presidents of the United StatesReferences


  The House of Hanover ( the Hanoverians) is a Germanic royal dynasty. It succeeded the House of Stuart as monarchs of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714 and held that office until the death of Victoria in 1901. There were a lot of better qualified people available to be king of England, but unfortunately most of them were Catholic. George I was a German who did not speak a word of English, but was Protestant. So started the rule of the House of Hanover, under whom Britain achieved wealth and peace over the next century.  During Georges reign the powers of the monarchy diminished and Britain began a transition to the modern system of Cabinet government led by a Prime Minister, which plays an important part in connecting the King and Parliament together. Towards the end of his reign, actual power was held by Sir Robert Walpole, Great Britains first Prime Minister until 1742. He avoided the expense of war, and Britain prospered. George died on a trip to his native Hanover, where he was buried. The coming of George III to the throne in 1760 after the death of George II brought the fast British-born king for 50 years. They were exciting times, except the loss of the American Colonies. Britain won new territories in Canada and India, but lost the oldest settlement of all, with the declaration of independence by the American colonies in 1776 and the final surrender at Yorktown in 1781.



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