
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:李富森 编  页数:153  字数:237000  


  随着经济全球化进程的进一步加深,中国同世界各国的各种贸易活动日趋频繁,我国将在经济贸易领域全面与国际接轨。为了应对国际贸易领域出现的新问题、新做法,我们在总结以往教材编写实践经验的基础上,根据该教材在教学中的使用及岗位对学生专业英语能力的要求,对其进行了重新的构思与定位,从而满足新形势下外经贸领域对人才的需求。  为了进一步开发以工学结合为编写主线的教材,我们征求了国内外的行业专家教授和有实际工作经验的实务人员对教科书的意见,广泛参阅国内外有关文献,力取众家之长,以技能训练为目的,重点突出外贸专业英语语言交际能力的培养,从买卖双方的不同角度介绍谈判策略与交际方法,并适时介绍文化差异对谈判者的影响,从而培养学生灵活运用专业英语知识与国际贸易知识从事各种国际商务活动及进行外贸业务谈判的综合能力。通过课文的多种情景素材,介绍了外事接待和商务谈判活动中常用的对话和表达语句,通过设立外经贸活动的不同场景,让学生进行模拟演练,从而掌握实际交际能力。


本书内容共分15个单元,涉及国际商务活动及交易磋商各环节,包括产品介绍、询盘、报盘、价格、包装、装运、支付、合同、保险、索赔、代理等。每个单元包括了谈判对话示例、专业术语介绍、常用句型、业务知识介绍及谈判策略,并配以大量的实训练习,同时每课课后加入了补充阅读,以拓展学生的商务知识。     本书以实用为目的,重点培养学生使用英语进行对外经贸业务谈判的综合表达能力,适用对象为高职高专院校商务英语、经济贸易及相关专业的学生,同时也可作为社会其他人员的自学用书。


Unit 1 Negotiation PreparationsUnit 2 Establishing Business RelationsUnit 3 Receiving GuestsUnit 4 Companies and ProductsUnit 5 Enquiries and OffersUnit 6 Price BargainingUnit 7 Commodity InspectionUnit 8 Terms of Payment (1)Unit 9 Terms of Payment (2)Unit 10 packingUnit 11 ShipmentUnit 12 InsuranceUnit 13 Conclusion of BusinessUnit 14 Claims and SettlementsUnit 15 AgencyKey to the Translation ExercisesBibliography


  In foreign trade when export goods are loaded on board a ship or they delivered to placesin the shipping companys custody, the shipping company or its agent issues a bill of lading(B/L) to the shipper, acknowledging that the goods are shipped on board or received forshipment. A bill of lading, signed by the ship owner or his agent who contracts to carry the goods,and stating the conditions in which the goods were received by the ship, is a receipt of thegoods entrusted to him by the shipper for carriage to the designated destination. The bill oflading is an important sea transport document that, together with the insurance policy andcommercial invoices, constitutes the chief shipping documents indispensable to foreign trade.It is usually made out in sets of three or four originals and several extra copies. In addition tothe details referring to the goods and their destination a bill of lading contains a great numberof clauses stating the rights and obligations of the ship owner and shipper. One of the copiesof the bill of lading is retained by the shipping company, and the originals are returned to theshipper after they have been duly signed together with extra non-negotiable copies.



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