
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:季瑾 编  页数:158  


《通用商务汉语》  (1~3)是以培养学习者商务汉语交际能力为目标的商务汉语综合教材。本系列教材适用于海内外有一定汉语水平(相当于HSK成绩三级或以上水平)的人士的商务汉语学习。本系列教材采用场景式的编排,既便于多媒体商务汉语教学使用,也可为依附于网络平台的远程商务汉语教育服务。        《通用商务汉语》第一册共有6个单元,每单元有2~3篇课文,共有13篇课文;第二册共有6个单元,每单元有2篇课文,共有12篇课文;第三册共有6个单元,每单元有1~3篇课文,共有12篇课文。每个单元包括课文、生词、专有名词、注释、练习。每篇课文均配有拼音和英译文,生词和注释均为中英文对照。每册书附赠配套的光盘。


第一单元 参观公司第二单元 商务谈判第三单元 支付方式第四单元 索赔第五单元 职场(一):面试第六单元 职场(二):招聘和应聘生词总表专有名词总表


  Mr. Zhao comes back to the conference room, and both parties continue their talks on price.  Liu: Speaking of price, we believe no reasonable quotation can be given if we dont discuss the amount of delivery. Generally speaking, our quotation is 10% lower than other processing companies in the world.  Zhao: Please take a look at this quotation sheet, processing fees will differ with the amount and grade of the ordered garments.  Xiaozhang: We are talking about 100 thousand pieces, and your quotation is $50 per dozen FOB Tianjin, almost 20% higher than comparable companies, which is hardly acceptable to us.  Liu: What you said just now may be a little dated, the current market situation has changed a lot, and all costs have been increasing.  Zhao: And besides, no comparison of prices is meaningful without the consideration of quality and grade. You have witnessed our processing procedures and finished products. For products with this level of quality, our processing fee is pretty low.  Liu: In the garment industry we are very competitive. (Maria and Xiaozhang discuss for a while.)  Xiaozhang: OK, our counter-offer is $40 per dozen.  Liu: We regret to tell you we cannot accept your demand. That price is already lower than our cost.




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  •   这本书性价比不错,印刷精美,内容实用,学生感觉也有学习的兴趣,值得老师们对外教学中推荐
  •   常用书籍
  •   内容太简单了,不称于商务汉语。

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