出版时间:2009-8 出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社 作者:龙毛忠 编 页数:187
进人大众化教育以来,中国高等学校英语专业的培养目标和培养模式日趋多样化。其标志性变化就是传统的英语语言文学专业裂变成商务英语专业和翻译专业,从而形成了英语、商务英语和翻译三足鼎立的局面。虽然国内学者仍就这三个专业的共同性和差异性争论不休,但是教育部批准设立上述专业,既是顺应社会经济发展对各种英语人才需要的体现,也反映出单纯的英语语言文学专业人才的需求在减少。截止目前,已有上海对外贸易学院、对外经贸大学、广东外语外贸大学等7所高校被正式批准招收商务英语专业的学生,众多高校还在积极申请开办这一新专业。此外,据不完全统计,全国有500多所高校开设了商务英语课程。这些事实说明商务英语专业发展趋势良好,前景广阔。 众所周知,不管英语专业如何裂变,必须要让学生打好语言基本功,掌握听说读写译的技能,只有这样才能进行语言交际。交际法认为,人们对语言的掌握是在交际过程中“习得”的。语言交际的环境越真实,就越能够掌握有效的交际能力。有鉴于此,学习真实的语言交际材料,尤其是商务语境下的语言材料,就能够缩短课堂教学与实际生活、工作的差距,学以致用,进行有效的商务沟通。基于这种认识,我们试图打破传统教材先学“阳春白雪”的语言,然后再进行商务“嫁接”的模式,而是从一开始就让学生置身于商务语境,学习商务基础理论和知识,直接进行商务实践的训练,从而为将来的职场竞争打好基础。实践证明,直接学习商务英语教材而不是基础英语,也能打好语言的基本功。据调查,许多普通高校英语(商务英语方向)专业的学生直接学习商务英语教材,四八级通过率依然分别保持在98%和85%以上,商务英语专业学生的就业率一直在99%以上,比其他相关专业学生更具竞争力。
《商务英语综合教程》共分四册,每册12个单元,内容包括经济、管理、国际法和跨文化四大模块,每单元均由TextA、TextB、TextC及相关练习组成。Text A侧重商务词汇、语法知识及篇章理解。Text B着力培养学生的商务英语口语和写作能力等交际能力。Text C主要是提高学生的听力技能和人文底蕴。本套教材主要适用于垒日制商务英语专业或者英语(商务英语方向)专业的一二年级大学生,也可作为全日制非英语专业学生的选修课教材或行业培训教材。教材分学生用书和教师用书。
Unit One Business Leaders Text A Richard Branson -- the World's Greatest Brand Builder Text B Women and Men, Work and Power Text C Oprah Winfrey: The Queen of Talk ShowsUnit Two Becoming Persuasive Text A How to Be Persuasive Text B How Persuasive Are You? Text C How can We Put off an Important Conversation at Work?Unit Three Integrity in Business Text A MBA Students Swap Integrity for Plagiarism Text B "Is It Time for Me to Get Out?" Text C Online Courses Outside Business HoursUnit Four Motivating Employees Text A Employee Efficiency and Motivation Text B The Flower Effect Text C Marks & Spencer's Ways to Motivate It's StaffUnit Five Team Building Text A Top Team Building Strategies: Company Team Building Text B Employee Team Building: Making a Successful Team Text C Characteristics of Good Teams Unit Six The Art of Layoff Text A Tips on How to Fire Employees Text B Less Painful Ways to Downsize Your Company Text C Office Life in AmericaUnit Seven Stress Management Text A Depression & Stress on Job Related Situations Text B How to Handle a Stress-Related Meltdown and Get Back in the Game Text C Great Tips for Successful Stress ManagementUnit Eight Online Shopping Text A Wealthy Buyers Go Online to Make Big Savings Text B Marketers Take Advantage of the Information Age Text C Getting the Most from Online ShoppingUnit Nine Building Customer Loyalty Text A Johnny Text B Customer Loyalty: 6 Tips to Gain Client Trust and Retain Client Trust Text C Customer ServiceUnit Ten Cause Marketing Text A It Pays Off -- If You Do It Right Text B "Cause Marketing" Tips: Boost Business by Giving Back Text C Habitat for HumanityUnit Eleven Corporate Espionage Text A Procter & Gamble vs. Unilever: A Case of Corporate Espionage ' Text B Hewlett-Packard Spying Scandal Sheds New Light on US Corporate "Ethics" Text C Understanding Intellectual Property Rights through Coca ColaUnit Twelve Global Crisis Text A Rich but Hungry Text B Gas Crisis Packs Global Punch -- and Not Just on Motorists Text C "Earth Hour" Goes Global
The history of corporate/industrial espionage pro-bably dates back to the 6th century when Justinian3, theByzantine emperor hired two monks to visit China. Hewanted them to gain an understanding of silk productionin China and to smuggle silkworm eggs and mulberryseeds out of that country to break its worldwide monopolyon silk production. The monks smuggled these eggs andseeds out of China in hollow bamboo walking sticks. Subsequently, in a few years the Byzantine empirereplaced China as the largest silk producer in the world.Over the centuries, industrial espionage practicescontinued to play a major part in the development of manycountries. In the 18th century, alarmed by the industrialand military supremacy of Great Britain, France sent itsspies to steal the latters industrial secrets. Unilever, which entered the US in late 19th century,was one of the largest foreign multinationals in thecountry. It competed directly with market leader P&G inmany segments of the household and personal careproducts markets. Over the decades, the rivalry between these twocompanies kept on intensifying as both of them expandedto the major markets in the world. In the early 21stcentury, while P&G dominated the US household andpersonal care market, Unilever dominated the Europeanmarket. In Asia, these companies had equal dominance,with both being market leaders in different Asiancountries. They also fought fiercely for market dominancein other parts of the world. P&G and Unilever competedin every aspect of their operations such as new productdevelopment and launches, pricing and promotionalstrategies and entering new markets.