
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:刘惠玲,郐军 著  页数:244  




Chapter Ⅰ Establishment of Business RelationsIntroductionLesson 1 Seeking Business OpportunitiesLesson 2 Establishing Business RelationsLesson 3 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on Establishment of Business RelationsAppendix The Layout of a Business LetterChapter Ⅱ Status InquiryIntroductionLesson 4 Status Inquiry and ReplyLesson 5 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on Credit InquiriesChapter Ⅲ Enquiries and OffersIntroductionLesson 6 A First EnquiryLesson 7 A Specific EnquiryLesson 8 A Firm OfferLesson 9 A Non-Firm OfferLesson 10 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on Enquiries and OffersChapter Ⅳ Counter-offersIntroductionLesson 11 A Counter-offer on ScooterLesson 12 A Reply to a Counter-offerLesson 13 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on Counter-offersChapter Ⅴ ConclusionIntroductionLesson 14 An Initial OrderLesson 15 A Repeat OrderLesson 16 Confirmation of an OrderLesson 17 Offering SubstituteLesson 18 Sending an S/CLesson 19 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on Conclusion of BusinessAppendix Specimen of Sales ConfirmationChapter Ⅵ PaymentIntroductionLesson 20 Asking for Payment by T/TLesson 21 Accepting D/P PaymentLesson 22 Declining D/A PaymentLesson 23Urging Establishment of L/CLesson 24 Amending L/C to Allow Partial Shipment or TransshipmentLesson 25 Asking for L/C AmendmentLesson 26 Asking for L/C ExtensionLesson 27 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on PaymentAppendix Specimen of L/CChapter Ⅶ PackingIntroductionLesson 28 Shipping MarksLesson 29 Packing InstructionsLesson 30 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on PackingChapter Ⅷ ShipmentIntroductionLesson 31Urging ShipmentLesson 32 Shipping AdviceLesson 33 Transshipment and Partial ShipmentLesson 34 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on ShipmentAppendix Incoterms 2000Chapter Ⅸ InsuranceIntroductionLesson 35 Covering Insurance for the BuyerLesson 36 Asking for Excessive InsuranceLesson 37 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on InsuranceChapter Ⅹ Complaints and ClaimsIntroductionLesson 38 Claim for Damaged GoodsLesson 39 Settlement of ClaimLesson 40 Declining a ClaimLesson 41 Skill TrainingUseful Expressions on Complaints and ClaimsAppendix Inspection ProceduresChapter Ⅺ AgencyIntroductionLesson 42 Intention of Granting AgencyLesson 43 Asking for Sole AgencyLesson 44 Decling a Request for AgencyUseful Expressions on AgencyAppendix Ⅰ.Compensation TradeⅡ.Processing TradeⅢ.Joint VentureⅣ.Invitation to BidUseful Expressions on Agency, Compensation Trade, Processing & Assembling Trade,Joint Venture and Invitation to Bid



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