
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:对外经贸大学  作者:丁衡祁//张静  页数:189  






PART 1Dialogues of Negotiation1. Preliminary Discussions on Setting Up Joint Ventures in China2. Discussions on Promoting Chinese Goods in the United States3. Discussions on Staging an International Trade Fair in Beijing4. Negotiating a Raise5. Negotiating a Promotion6. Negotiating the Terms of Employment7. Negotiating a Job Offer on the Phone —— Following Up on an Interview8. Striking a Bargain9. Negotiating a Sales Deal10. Negotiating Prices11. Negotiating a Sales Contract12. Negotiating a Sole Distributorship Agreement13. Negotiating a Sole Agency Agreement14. Negotiating a Bid15. Negotiating a Purchase Deal16. Negotiating an Exclusivity Clause17. Negotiating a Takeover Bid18. Bargaining over Industrial Relations19. Negotiating an Oil Transaction20. Negotiating a Deal for Land Use21. Negotiating a Bank Loan22. Negotiating a Transport Agreement23. On Bilateral Economic and Business CooperationPART 2Business Customs of Various Countries1. Argentina2. Australia3. Belgium4. Brazil5. Canada6. Chile7. Colombia8. Denmark9. Egypt10. England11. France12. Germany13. India14. Indonesia15. Ireland16. Israel17. Italy18. Japan19. Korea20. Malaysia21. Mexico22. The Netherlands23. Peru24. The Philippines25. Russia26. Saudi Arabia27. Scotland28. Singapore29. Spain30. Switzerland31. Turkey32. The United States33. Venezuela



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