出版时间:2008-4 出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社 作者:白世贞 页数:158
世界经济一体化、贸易全球化的趋势在日益加剧,世界各国的国际贸易、国际物流等活动日益繁荣。我国加入wTO以来,第三产业占国民经济的比重日益攀升,物流活动作为企业利润的新的增长点日益受到广泛重视。培养具有国际视野,掌握物流理论和运作技能的人才是一项紧迫而又长期的任务。 以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,走产学结合的发展道路,是新时期职业教育的办学指导思想,贯彻这一思想的关键是建立校企合作、工学结合的人才培养模式,要变知识本位为能力本位,即由知识传授型向能力培养型转变。对于学生来说,重要的不是学了什么,而是会干什么;对于老师来说,重要的不是教了什么,而是教会了什么。为此,基础理论够用,强化实践环节,突出围绕职业岗位和工作项目的职业技能的培养是课程改革和教材建设工作的当务之急。
进入21世纪,物流业在我国发展迅猛,但中国物流业人才却存在巨大缺口。为弥补这一缺陷,出版一些实用的、内容新颖的物流教材意义深远。目前图书市场上的物流教材众多,然而在使用过程中,人们普遍反映图书结构僵化,内容陈旧,对培养懂物流、懂技术、懂英语的应用型人才起不到应有的作用。为了适应当前教学及满足有关从业人员的需要,我们编写了本书。 本书在内容设计上有以下特点: 一是原汁原味。英语能力的提高不仅仅在记诵单词,大量外文的阅读也是非常重要的。本书的内容来自国内外物流供应链领域的相关文献,是读者迅速提高英语水平的较好读物。 二是时效性。本书所选用素材均为国内外最新资料,力争避免选用落后于时代的文字资料,将最前沿的物流管理理念、技术介绍给读者。 三是采用了案例,淡化读者在英文阅读方面惯有的排斥感,增强学习兴趣。 四是实用性。在每课后附有练习,对物流实践大有裨益。 本书涉及物流概论、物流基本要素,如物流运输、库存、仓储、信息管理、物流单证等,以及比较前沿的第三方物流、物流客户服务、供应链管理、全球物流等相关内容。本书共十一章,每章包括精读课文、案例、单词与专业术语、问答题等。
Unit 1 Introduction to LogisticsText 1 The definitions of logisticsText 2 Elements of logisticsCase: Efficient logistics vital for successUnit 2 TransportationText 1 Modes of transportationText 2 Transport cost characteristicsCase: Chippy potato chip companyUnit 3 Inventory and Warehouse ManagementText I Inventory classificationsText 2 Types of warehousesCase : Jacksons warehouseUnit 4 PackagingText 1 Purpose of packagingText 2 Packaging materialsCase 1: Dow Cornings packaging strategyCase 2: Ciscos packaging caseUnit 5 HandlingText 1 Handling systemsText 2 Up and away with overhead cranesCase: Automated case handling on the riseUnit 6 Information ManagementText 1 About EDIText 2 RFID technologiesCase 1 : EDI in E-commerceCase 2 : Application of RFIDUnit 7 Logistics Customer ServiceText 1 The introduction to logistics customer serviceText 2 Delivering customer valueCase: Managing events and promotions in the retail sectorUnit 8 The Third Party LogisticsText 1 The introduction to TPLText 2 Matching supply chain and TPL strategiesCase 1: Choosing the TPL providerCase 2: Cosfresh "Third Party Logistics"Unit 9 Supply Chain ManagementText 1 Introduction to supply chain managementText 2 Issues in supply chain managementCase: Toy supply chainUnit 10 Logistics DocumentsText 1 Introduction to documentsText 2 Major types of logistics documentsCase: Sample of an irrevocable documentary creditUnit 11 Global LogisticsText 1 Strategic options and management of global logisticsText 2 The challenges of global logisticsCase: Nike -- the logistics challenge of global businessReferences
Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics 1 Since 1994, China has had consistent attention from MNCs (MultinationalCorporations). One reason for this is the attraction of the low cost of manufacturing and vastdomestic market potential. With Chinas accession into the WTO comes even greater marketaccess. Trade and investments are expected to surge rapidly. Second, with a burgeoningmiddle class, more people will have greater purchasing access to both domestic and foreigngoods. Many MNCs are keen to invest, make and deliver through China. China hasovertaken the USA as the most attractive location for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment).Statistically, this translates to a total of 389,104 projects approved to receive foreign capital,with total FDI realized amounting to RMB 3,076 billion from 1983 to 2001. 2 With this, comes the desire by MNCs and logistics service providers (LSPs) to bekept well informed of the state of logistics infrastructure and to have a clear understanding ofthe on-going logistics development in China. This presents immense challenges to thelogistics industry as it strains to meet the demands of a growing market. Nevertheless, theopportunities for logistics are tremendous as China is arguably the largest single distributionmarket globally.