
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:李兵 主编  页数:303  




本套教材的特点:  1.题材广泛、内容丰富:教材分上、下两册,上册涵盖新生校园生活、礼仪、体育、英语学习、饮食与健康、应对危机、互联网、友谊和爱情、防止犯罪、环保、科学前沿、英语幽默、广告和畅销书等内容;下册涉及国际热点问题、团队精神、经济与wTO、旅游、杂志、文化冲击、伪科学、心理、婚姻、科幻等内容。这些内容都是与大一新生息息相关、并为他们所喜闻乐见的话题,容易调动学生的兴趣,利于课堂教学的互动。  2.创意新颖、有趣:教材内容都来自国外最新原版杂志、原版书籍和外文网站,并且注意选取视角新颖、独到的文章。每册教材后几个单元的文章取自受广大在校大学生欢迎的最新畅销书,而且每个单元后面都附有小幽默,这些小幽默也能很好地折射西方文化,使学生在获得语言素材的同时感受融入其中的文化因素。  3.注释翔实、全面:每篇课文后都配有相关注释,主要针对文化现象、人名、地名等内容,旨在扩大学生知识面,拓宽阅读视野。  本套英语阅读教材《21世纪英语阅读》就是按照《大纲》要求,由长期从事英语专业一、二年级英语阅读课的一线教师总结丰富的教学成果和经验编写而成,旨在为广大学生提高丰富、时新的阅读材料,提供广泛的语言和文化素材,拓宽阅读视野,扩大知识面,增强学生的英语语感,培养学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生的阅读能力。本书是第一册,涵盖新生校园生活、礼仪、体育、英语学习、饮食与健康、应对危机、互联网、友谊和爱情、防止犯罪、环保、科学前沿、英语幽默、广告和畅销书等内容


Unit One  Adapting to University Life  Text A  University Life -- Do's and Don'ts  Text B  Making the Transition to University LifeUnit Two  What Makes a Good Language Learner?  Text A  Learning Strategy  Text B  Intercultural Awareness is Essential in Today's Global EnvironmentUnit Three  Food and Nutrition  Text A  Ten Nutrition Myths  Text B  His & Her EatingUnit Four  How to Survive a Disaster  Text A  Disasters  Text B  How to Survive an EarthquakeUnit Five  Sports  Text A  The Olympic Games  Text B  Importance of SportsUnit Six  Holidays and Festivals  Text A  Chinese Traditional Festivals  Text B  Major Holidays in the United StatesUnit Seven  Surfing the Internet  Text A  The Internet in Black and White  Text B  Children and Intemet SafetyUnit Eight  Friendship and Love  Text A  A Story about Ryan Schroer, His Friends, and His Incredible Torch Run  Text B  Amazing True Love StoryUnit Nine  Preventing Crimes  Text A  Stop Credit Identity Theft from Happening to You  Text B  Remembering TaraUnit Ten  Environment  Text A  The Hazards of Solar Energy  Text B  Is Global Warming a Threat?Unit Eleven  Scientific Forefront  Text A  A Robot in the Kitchen  Text B  The Gene DreamUnit Twelve  Educational Attitudes  Text A  Chinese Education through the Eyes of a Foreigner  Text B  Cheating -- "But Everybody's Doing It"Unit Thirteen  Humor  Text A  Confessions of a Humorist  Text B  HumorUnit Fourteen  Advertising  Text A  Ads on Postcards  Text B  History of Advertising -- in BriefUnit Fifteen  Classic Novel  Text A  A Room with a View (Ⅰ)  Text B  A Room with a View (Ⅱ)Unit Sixteen  Best Seller  Text A  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Ⅰ)  Text B  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Ⅱ)Unit Seventeen  Language  Text A  Is the English Language Changing?  Text B  American Sign LanguageUnit Eighteen  Chicken Soup  Text A  Working Christmas Day  Text B  Big Red


  Making the Transition to University Life  1  One of the major turning points in many peoples‘ lives is leaving school andcommencing university life. Studying at University not only means adjusting to a new way oflearning, but also a new way of living. Many students travel from the various provincesthroughout the country. There are many adjustments to make —— a lively and diverse newcampus environment to negotiate, new accommodation away from the familiar surroundingsof home and many new people to meet —— both fellow students and lecturers. Small things,like knowing where to catch a bus, buy fresh food or go swimming, will all be part of yournew experience.  2 To assist students with their transition to university life, universities usually havespecial orientation programs and sessions aimed at assisting students adjust to being atuniversity. In addition to the formal orientation programs offered, new students are stronglyurged to talk with students who have already been in the university for a while and have hada chance to “learn the ropes”.



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