出版时间:2008-3 出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社 作者:雷春林 编 页数:280
Unit 1 Overview of Business Writing1.1 Introduction1.2 Academic writing and business writing1.3 Business writing style1.4 Tone in business writing1.5 Business writing samplesExercisesUnit 2 Business Letter Writing2.1 Introduction2.2 Principal uses and channel characteristics2.3 Format and structure of business letters2.4 The style and tone2.5 Categories of business messages2.6 Samples of business lettersExercisesUnit 3 Memo Writing3.1 Introduction3.2 Memo format3.3 Common types of memos3.4 Writing rules for memo3.5 Other tips for effective memo writingExercisesUnit 4 Minutes Writing4.1 Introduction4.2 Functions of minutes4.3 Structure of a minutes4.4 Types of minutes4.5 Stages for producing minutes4.6 Note-taking skills4.7 Tips for good minutes writingExercisesUnit 5 News Release Writing5.1 Introduction5.2 Planning a news release5.3 Types of news release5.4 Parts of a news release5.5 News release samplesExercisesUnit 6 Business Report Writing6.1 Introduction6.2 Classification of reports6.3 Report writing process6.4 The structure of a formal report6.5 Common types of reports6.6 Tips for writing effective reportsExercisesUnit 7 Business Contract Writing7.1 Introduction7.2 Classification of international business contracts7.3 The structure of an intemational business contract7.4 The exemplification of a business contract7.5 Basic rules for drafting a business contract7.6 Stylistic features of contract EnglishExercisesUnit 8 Resume Writing8.1 Introduction8.2 How to write an effective resume8.3 Types of resumes8.4 Resume samplesExercisesUnit 9 Advertisement Writing9.1 Introduction9.2 The differences between literary style and advertising style9.3 Features of advertising language9.4 Word dictions in advertisement writing9.5 Tones of English advertisements9.6 The writing types of each part of the copyExercisesUnit 10 Research Paper Writing10.1 Introduction10.2 Prepare for a research paper10.3 Methods and techniques10.4 Research design10.5 The structure of a research paper10.6 Tips for research paper writing10.7 The Harvard style of referencingExercisesReference answer参考书目