
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:对外经济贸易大学  作者:马士  页数:135  


This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject of Cross-Cultural Business Communication (CCBC) from the viewpoint of China and the Chinese. It looks at the nature of culture, examines some different cultures, asks what is unique and challenging about "crossing" from one culture to another, looks closely at the concept of communication, including formal and informal communication, presentation, conversation, non-verbal skills. Problems commonly arising in cross-cultural business communication include- misunderstandings, mistakes, misinterpretations, mistranslations, misinformation, and misperceptions -- what I call the "Five Bad M's" Learning cross-cultural business communication experientially should be the preferred option for students. It is the way to improve individual skills and increase real-world communication effectiveness with foreigners through trial and error learning by them, and of personal feedback from the teacher.




INTRODUCTIONSESSION 1  Beginning to Talk about CommunicationSESSION 2  The Search for CI -- Cultural IntelligenceSESSION 3  Know Culture through the W Curve of AdaptationSESSION 4  Key Elements of Business CommunicationSESSION 5  Meeting Management and SkillsSESSION 6  The Development of Cross-Cultural Business RelationshipsSESSION 7  Commercial Diplomacy SESSION 8  Manners and EtiquetteSESSION 9  Building Trust in Cross-Cultural Business RelationshipsSESSION 10  The 5 Bad M's of Cross-Cultural CommunicationSESSION 11  Mid-Term ExamSESSION 12  Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication TrainingSESSION 13  Designing CCBC Training CoursesSESSION 14  Designing One-day Training ProgramsSESSION 15  Training Design DemonstrationsSESSION 16  Final Course ActivitiesBIBLIOGRAPHY





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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   这些书介绍了一些最基本的知识,不难
  •   词语明了就是纸张有点暗
  •   在经济全球化的今天,怎样成为成功的商务人员是一大挑战。不仅需要商务知识,也需要跨文化知识。本书在这方面给予有力的指导。
  •   很适合商务英语系的人学习
  •   这本书还可以!!!!不过没怎么看!!!
  •   为什么拿到的书是旧的?我不是买的新品啊?一看就是二手的。太挫了
  •   该书虽然2008年在国内出版,但内容陈旧,参考文献基本是90年代。
  •   看了目录,我才决定买这本书,结果里面的内容完全不一样,相去甚远,卓越这么做也太不负责了。这本书其实只是一本比较口语化得教材而已。
  •   内容不是新的,但是从英文的角度来讲,值得一看
  •   无意中发现这本书和同时打开的另一本书的目录完全一样(窦卫琳《跨文化商务交流案例分析》),一定是有一本弄错了。

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