
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:哈尔滨工程大学出版社  作者:郑玉荣  页数:347  


本书为英语专业硕士研究生教材,书中精选18篇现代语言学的名家名篇,涵盖语言学及应用语言学主要研究领域,包括语言研究、语音及音位学、形态学及句法学、语义学、语篇分析、言语行为、二语习得和语料库语言学等。每篇选读之前辅以导读,介绍与选读部分相关的研究背景、作者信息、理论观点及选读中的重点。选读之后的思考题、拓展阅读和研讨活动针对本章节选读部分开展研讨、补充信息、介绍研究热点。本书旨在使读者深入了解现代语言学的主要学术观点和理论体系,探讨当今前沿研究热点,增强文献阅读能力。为毕业论文的写作和以后的研究工作奠定基础。    本书可用作英语专业硕士研究生教材,也可供对英语语言学感兴趣的读者及英语自学者使用。


Part One hanguage ana Linguistics  Chapter 1  The Object of Linguistics    Ferdinand de Saussure  Chapter 2  Nature of the Linguistic Sign    Ferdinand de Saussure  Chapter 3  Introductory:language defined    Edward Sapir  Chapter 4  The Use of Language    Leonard BloomfieldPart Two Phonetics and Plmnology  Chapter 5  Phonology    G.N. Clements  Chapter 6  The Feature Level of Language    R.Jakobson,et al.Part Three Morphoky and Syntax  Chapter 7  What Is Morphology?   P.H. Matthews  Chapter 8  Form and Meaning in Natural Language    Noam Chomsky  Chapter 9  Outline of the theory of core oanmutr    Noam Chomsky  Chapter 10  A Sketch of the Minimalist   V.cook,et al.  Part Four Semantics, Pragnmtics and Ilistmu-se Analysis  Chapter 11  Seven Types of Meaning    Geoffrey Leech  Chapter 12  Personality and Language in Society    John Rupert Firth  Chapter 13  Classes of llloeutionary Force    J. Austin  Chapter 14  Introduction of Cohesion in English    M.A.K.HaUiday,et al.  Chapter 15  Discourse Topic  G. Brown, et al.Part Five  Second Language Acquisition  Chapter 16  The Input Hypothesis  Stephen D. Krashen  Chapter 17  Cognitive Theory  Barry MclaughlinCart six Corpus Lingusitics  Chapter 18  Corpus and Text-Basic Principles  John Sinclair选读内容出处说明参考文献



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