出版时间:2007-10 出版社:哈工程大 作者:宋艳
Part One Organizational Foundations of Information SystemsUnit 1 Information AgeUnit 2 Introduction to Information SystemsUnit 3 Information Systems, Organizations and Business ProcessesUnit 4 Information, Management and Decision MakingPart Two Information TechnologyUnit 5 Computer HardwareUnit 6 Computer SoftwareUnit 7 Data Store and ProcessingUnit 8 DatabaseUnit 9 Data WarehouseUnit 10 Data MiningUnit 11 Telecommunications and NetworksUnit 12 The Internet,Intranet and ExtranetPart Three Information Systems ApplicationsUnit 13 Management Information SystemsUnit 14 Decision Supporting SystemUnit 15 Electronic CommerceUnit 16 Development of Management Information SystemsPart Four Management Information System, Society and YouUnit 17 Information System and SocietyUnit 18 Information System and YouIndexReferences
Databases require management attention because they play many vital roles in business. Thissection focus on four of these roles: storing personal data, storing data needed for businessoperations, providing data for management, and providing external and competitive data.Although few people think of their own personal data as a database, most people waste a lot oftime and effort finding personal data they have recorded in the past. At home, these data includephone numbers, addresses, birth dates, checkbook and tax data, warranty data, and data related topersonal interests. Personal business data include phone numbers and addresses for businesscontacts, appointment schedules, payroll and tax date, and data about personal projects.Organization and storage on computers is one way to make data more accessible. Every firm that sells products, orders suppliers, tracks internal operations, and pays employeeshas systems that process data needed in everyday business operations. These systems aresometimes called backbone systems because the firm cannot operate without them. All of thesesystems rely on the creation and maintenance of databases. Some of these systems have competitive significance because they determine how well the firmoperates. The integrated sales and inventory systems used by large retailers, grocery chains, anddistributors are good examples. Although their databases vary according to the particular needs ofthe company, most of these systems contain an up-to-the-minute inventory status of every item inevery store and warehouse. When an item is sold or moved, inventory records are updatedimmediately. The system also produces a receipt for the customer and completes and records acredit card transaction if necessary in each trade. Operational databases within these systems helpcompanies complete by avoiding lost sales due to inadequate inventory and unnecessary expensesdue to excess inventory. The feedback loop from planning to control is a fundamental management system dependingheavily on databases. The data that drive the control portion of this process come from databasesgenerated by internal operations. In contrast to the detail-oriented data used directly in executingbusiness operations, management data are usually extracted from operational databases andsummarized in the form of reports or inquiries.