
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:湘潭大学出版社  作者:唐洪波  页数:145  


本教材编写组的成员都是教学一线的有经验的教师,能洞察成人英语教学的特点。     这本教材内容深入浅出,不仅帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础外,还着力培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,全书包括五部分内容,每部分都包括Text A和Text B以及Special Topic三部分,书后还附有两套全真模拟题以及参考答案。


Unit One Sports Text A Modern Olympic Games Text B JIM THORPE Special Topic Dialogue CompletionUnit Two Enviromentd protection Text A Clearing the Air in Your Office Text B Birth of Bright Ideas Special Topic Reading ComprehensionUnit Three Culture Text A God in the Doorway Text B American Campus Job Interview Special Topic Vocabulary and StructureUnit Four Entertainment Text A How to Shop Online Safely? Text B The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse Special Topic Cloze TranslationUnit Five Education Text A Five Traits of the Educated Man Text B Oxford University Has an Outstanding Reputation for Centuries Special Topic WritingAppendix Ⅰ 全真模拟题1 全真模拟题2Appendix Ⅱ 参考答案后记



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