出版时间:2011-8 出版社:贵州大学出版社 作者:尤春芝 页数:218
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Purposes of the Study1.4 Research Question81.5 Definitions of the Key Terms 1.6 Significance of the Study 1.7 SummaryCHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Second Language Reading and Reading Theories 2.1.1 The Nature of Second Language Reading.2.1.2 Theories in L2 Reading 2.2 Text Presentation and Reading Comprehension 2.2.1 Theoretical Background 2.2.2 Research on Text Presentation and Reading Comprehension 2.3 Computer Literacy and Reading Comprehension.2.3.1 Theoretical Background2.3.2 Research on Computer Literacy and Comprehension2.4 Text Familiarity and Reading Comprehension 2.4.1 Theoretical Background 2.4.2 Research on Text Familiarity and Reading Comprehension2.5 Reading Strategies and Reading Comprehension 2.5.1 Conceptual Framework of Reading Strategies 2.5.2 Classifications of Reading Strategies2.5.3 Assessing Reading Strategies2.5.4 Research on Reading Strategies CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Rationale for Research Methodology3.2 Subj ects 3.3 In struments 3.3.1 National Computer Rank Examination (Grade One) 3.3.2 Questionnaire 3.3.3 Reading Comprehension Test3.3.4 Semi-Structured Interviews 3.4 Experimental Design 3.5 Research Procedures3.6 Data Analysis……CHAPTER IV RESULTSCHAPTER V DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURES
The finding was similar to the study by Rogers, Regehr, Yeh, and Howdieshell (1998). Since reading from computers could make them forget what they had just read, ruost students reported that it was not easy to remember what was read. Some students claimed when they read on computers they may lose patience, or want to stop reading. Some other students explained the reason why they cannot achieve more from computers than from paper. Affective Components of Attitudes towards Reading from Computers and from Paper From students' responses, it can be found that using computers or reading on them could make the students feel uncomfortable and tense, even feel scared or intimidated. Also it was not easy to calm down or to concentrate on the screens to read carefully. In addition,reading on computers could tire their eyes. One of the possible reasons is that the students may be afraid of making mistakes or they may be afraid to delete the useful information. Another reason is that the way that reading on computers was rather different from that on traditional paper format, for example,scrolling up and down with mouse on computer screens may.make theeyes tiresome. The third reason is that the students thought the level oflearning from computers was not better than paper, even with the wide use of computers, because sorue students claimed that they always forgot what they have read and easy to lose patience, even wanted to stop reading. ……