
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:中国海洋大学  作者:岳守国 编  页数:166  




Unit 1Text A Climate Chanse May Be Real,but It's Still Not Easy Beins GreenText B Light Pollution:Light Skies,Dark No MoreUnit 2Text A Is Parent Power Good for Children? Text B Muse School Is Actress,Brainchild Unit 3Text A Online Truth Is More Valuable than Privacy Text B In Job Hunt,Collese Desree Can't Close Racial Gap Unit 4Text A The Paradox of the Parsimonious SpendthriftText B Not a Walkin the ParkUnit 5Text A The Troops Leave,and Then the Horrors Besin Text B Storm Part Cripplins and Part EnchantingUnit 6Text A What's yours Is MineText B In Drus War,Tribe Feels Lnvaded by Both SidesUnit 7Text A Wakins DrasonText BIn Chensdu,China,Remakins Sichuan Food Unit 8Text A Should you Goosle at Dinner?Text B younger Buyers Challenge Luxury Retailers in Asia AppendicesAppendix 1 The Skills and Techniques in English Newspaper ReadinsAppendix 2 Key UK&US Papers and JournalsAppendix 3 WeLL-known Universities in Britain and AmericaAppendix 4 Alternative Names for American States and Cities Appendix 5 BBC&VOAAppendix 6 Key International OrsanizationsAppendix 7 State Names and Capitals of Some Countries



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