
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:中国海洋大学出版社  作者:赵贵旺,粟为农 主编  页数:339  字数:520000  


  《21世纪高等医学英语系列教材》问世已经近10年了。随着人类文明的不断发展、人类社会对医疗需求标准的不断提高,医学和医疗技术的日新月异之变化有目共睹。修订这部我国历史上第一套兼顾医学英语读说听写诸方面技能提高的教材,势在必行。  修订遵循两条原则:  第一是时代性。所谓时代性体现在理念、内容和教学手段等诸方面。理念也就是修订的主导思想和落脚点__整体医疗观。因为整体医疗观是世界各国对现代医疗的共同、客观、科学、全面的认识。它强调人体与环境、社会、心理、情感等诸方面的和谐一致,是保证高水平生活质量的必由之路,也自然是培养新时代合格医生的新标准。为此,修订版依据此原则对教材内容进行重大改动,读者使用教材后会有所体验。时代性在教学手段上的表现是将原来《医学英语听与说》分册改为《医学英语视听说》。科学技术的进步使现代化教学手段逐步成为可能。生动、具体、有趣的影视资料以教学的形式出现,不但可以提高学习效果,也增加了教材使用的途径。它便于教学,也可用于自学。




Unit1 Health  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Garlic and Cancer  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Blood Pressure and Pulse Determination  PartⅤ Road to SuccessUnit2 0steoporosis  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅣ Listen for Details  Vitamin D  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Blood Pressure and Pulse Determination (confinued)  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit3 Heart Problems  PartⅠListen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Alcohol and Heart Attacks  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Head Examination  PartⅤ Road to Success  Unit4 Respiratory Diseases  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Tuberculosis  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Ear-Nose Examination  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit5 Emergency Medicine  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Emergency Medical Methods  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Ear-Nose Examination (continued)  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit6 Skin Diseases  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Skin Disorders  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Mouth  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit7 Surgery  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Japanese Emperor Undergoes Prostate Cancer Surgery  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Neck  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit8 Dentistry  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  History of Dentistry  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Back  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit9 Psychological Problems  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Depression  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Back (continued)  PartⅤ Road to Success Unitl0 Pediatrics  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details Cancer and Children  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Anterior Chest  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit 11 Gynecology  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Cardiovascular Disease and Women  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Anterior Chest (continued)  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit12 AIDS  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for DetailsAIDS: Finding a Cure  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Lung  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit13 Senile Diseases  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Healthy Lifestyle Can Curb Risk of Dementia  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Abdomen  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit14 Cancer  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Details  Research Shows Herbs May Prevent Some Forms of Cancer  PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Abdomen (continued)  PartⅤ Road to Success Unit15 Diabetes  PartⅠ Listen for Speaking  PartⅡ Listen for Main Ideas  PartⅢ Listen for Detai's PartⅣ Watch for Practice  Physical Diagnosis: Rectum  PartⅤ Road to Success Scripts and Answer Key Unit 1 Health  Unit 2 Osteoporosis  Unit 3 Heart Problems  Unit 4 Respiratory Diseases  Unit 5 Emergency Medicine  Unit 6 Skin Diseases  Unit 7 Surgery 8 Unit 8 Dentistry  Unit 9 Psychological Problems  Unit10 Pediatrics  Unit 11 Gynecology  Unit 12 AIDS  Unit 13 Senile Diseases  Unit14 Cancer  Unit15 Diabetes


  Main Plot: Grace, a surgical hospital with one of the toughest residency programs in the country, is about to become the brutal proving ground for four newly minted med school graduates: Meredith Grey, Christina Yang, Isabel Stevens and George OMalley. Together they must survive the 7-year purgatory of internship and residency to become professional surgeons. But not all the challenges they face will be in the operating room. Romance, heartbreak, family tragedy, and where to find cheap housing, will all form part of the grueling education of these innocent interns.  Meredith: In a broken home, dysfunctional family. Kind and caring, shes meeting everybody elses needs but nobody is meeting hers. She longs for love but is terrified of getting hurt, and backs away from the man who loves her most.  Christina: tough, ambitious. She makes sure she has the right answers. But even Christina can unbend in the presence of the handsome Dr. Burke.  Then theres Izzie and George. Cute, kindly, will George ever get it together with blonde goddess Izzie Stevens? Izzie used to be a professional model, but her brains as well as her beauty impress the new team of interns, and they come to rely on her buoyant optimism.



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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   内容不错,比较贴近日常医疗过程,有所助益
  •   该书听力内容贴合实际,发音准确、清晰,物美价廉,很值得购买
  •   包裹还没打开,但很及时。
  •   为了复习考博准备的 比较实用
  •   无需运费,再加上折扣,比在学校买实惠啊
  •   还行吧,就是没有光盘。为什么没光盘呢?

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