
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:中国海洋大学  作者:祁光颖  页数:406  


  随着改革开放政策的不断深入,我国的跨文化交流日趋频繁。英美概况课程不仅作为高校英语专业的必修课、英语专业自学考试和研究生入学考试的重要内容,而且作为普通大学的选修课内容和出国留学生的培训课程,其重要性日益突出。  《英美概况备考核心教程》共32章,与许鲁之教授的《新编英美概况》(第3版)相对应。每章内容由“相关链接”、“聚焦重点、难点”、“名词解释”、“课文注释”、“课后练习参考答案”、“本章补充试题及参考答案”六部分组成。  本教程附录部分包括:英美国家的主要节日和专有名词英汉对照速查表。本书内容丰富,知识详实,重点突出。通过本书的学习和训练,读者可进一步加深对英美文化的了解,提高相关方面的应试能力。


PART ONE The United StatesChapter Ⅰ.Geographical Features and Natural ResourcesChapter Ⅱ.American PopulationChapter Ⅲ.Discovery and Colonization of the New WorldChapter Ⅳ.American RevplutionChapter Ⅴ.The Confederation and the ConstitutionChapter Ⅵ.American Expansion and the Civil WarChapter Ⅶ.Reconstruction and the Birth of the US ImperialismChapter Ⅷ.World War I and the DepressionChapter Ⅸ.America During and After World War ⅡChapter Ⅹ.The Federal System and CongressChapter Ⅺ.The President and the JudiciaryChapter Ⅻ.Political Parties and ElectionsChapter ⅩⅢ.EducationChapter ⅩⅣ.Mass MediaChapter ⅩⅤ.American Family and CharacterChapter ⅩⅥ.Religion in the United StatesPART Two The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandChapter Ⅰ.Geographical Features and Natural ResourcesChapter Ⅱ.Population of the United KingdomChapter Ⅲ.The Origins of a NationChapter Ⅳ.Feudal EnglandChapter Ⅴ.England Under the TudorsChapter Ⅵ.The Bourgeois RevolutionChapter Ⅶ.Hanoverian England and Industrial RevolutionChapter Ⅷ.Party Politics and Colonial ExpansionChapter Ⅸ.Britain in the Two World WarsChapter Ⅹ.British Monarchy and GovernmentChapter Ⅺ.Parliament and Judicial SystemChapter Ⅻ.Political Parties and ElectionChapter ⅩⅢ.EducationChapter ⅩⅣ.Mass MediaChapter ⅩⅤ.British Family Life, Character and CustomsChapter ⅩⅥ.Religion in the United Kingdom附录1 美国主要节日简介附录2 英国主要节日简介附录3 美国概况主要专有名词附录4 英国概况主要专有名词




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