出版时间:2007-12 出版社:青岛海洋大学出版社 作者:杨才英 页数:212
总序序前言Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.1.1 Why systemic functional linguistics?1.1.2 Why interpersonal coherence?1.1.3 Why radio news interviews?1.2 Research Questions1.3 Research Methodology1.3.1 Data collection1.3.2 Research procedure1.4 Significance and Purpose1.5 Organization of the BookChapter 2 Interpersonal Coherence in Discourse2.0 Introduction2.1 The Definition of Interpersonal Coherence2.1.1 Text in relation to its context2.1.2 Systemic functional approach to coherence2.1.3 Cohesion and coherence2.1.4 Nascent studies on interpersonal coherence2.1.5 Properties of interpersonal coherence2.2 Interpersonal Cohesion in Text2.2.1 Development of studies of the interpersonal meaning2.2.2 Prosody of interpersonal meanings2.2.3 Textual cohesion2.2.4 Interpersonal cohesion and cohesive devices2.3 Orientational Consistency2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Orientational Consistency in Social Context3.0 Introduction3.1 Context of Culture: Genre3.1.1 Systemic functional approach to genre3.1.2 A re-definition of genre in linguistics3.1.3 Generic structure potential3.1.4 The news interview as a genre3.1.5 Generic framing as a cohesive device3.2 Context of Situation: Register3.2.1 Register as a semantic concept3.2.2 Situational variable of tenor3.2.3 Mode and cohesive patterns3.2.4 Field and topic3.3 Register Consistency3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Speech Functions and Negotiation in Relation to Mood4.0 Introduction4.1 Speech Functions and Mood Cohesion4.1.1 Illocutionary forces and speech functions4.1.2 English mood system4.1.3 Mood cohesion in English text4.2 Unpacking Metaphors of Mood4.2.1 Extensions of meaning potential4.2.2 Unpacking metaphors of mood4.2.3 Metaphors of mood4.3 Negotiation Patterns in News Interviews4.3.1 Clauses in news interviews4.3.2 Mood in news interviews4.3.3 Pragmatic markers in news interviews4.3.4 Metaphors of mood in news interviews4.3.5 Interpretation4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Perspective, Subject-chain and Tense-coordinates5.0 Introduction5.1 Focalization5.2 The Meaning of Subject5.2.1 Interpersonal meanings of subject5.2.2 Subject chain and focalization5.3 The Meaning of Finite5.3.1 Interpersonal meanings of Finite5.3.2 Tense co-ordinates and temporal point of view5.3.3 A sample analysis5.4 Perspective in News Interviews5.4.1 Subject chain and tense co-ordinates in introduction5.4.2 Subject chain and tense co-ordinates in the questioning part5.4.3 Subject chain and tense co-ordinates in the answering part5.4.4 Interpretation5.5 SummaryChapter 6 Dialogism and Engagement6.0 Introduction6.1 Dialogism in Discourse6.1.1 Dialogism and heteroglossia6.1.2 Individualistic approach to modality6.2 Systemic Functional Approach to Engagement6.2.1 Extra-voealisation: projection6.2.2 Intra-vocalisation: modality6.2.3 Intra-vocalisation.close6.3 Polar and Modal Cohesion in Text6.3.1 Devices to realize modal cohesion6.3.2 A sample analysis6.4 Engagement Patterns in News Interviews6.4.1 Engagement in introduction6.4.2 Engagement in the questioning part6.4.3 Engagement in the answering part6.4.4 Interpretation6.5 SummaryChapter 7 Evaluation and Lexical Connotation in Cohesion7.0 Introduction7.1 Evaluation in Discourse7.1.1 What is evaluation?7.1.2 Approaches to evaluation7.2 Martin‘s Appraisal System7.2.1 Attitudinal positioning7.2.2 Graduation and engagement system7.2.3 Authorial vs non-authorial sources7.2.4 Appraisal system in discourse7.3 Attitudinal Cohesion——Repetition and Contrast7.3.1 Attitudinal reiteration7.3.2 Attitudinal contrast7.4 Attitudinal Prosody in News Interviews7.4.1 Attitudinal positioning in introduction7.4.2 Attitudinal positioning in the questioning part7.4.3 Attitudinal positioning in the answering part7.4.4 Interpretation7.5 SummaryChapter 8 Interpersonal Harmony and Intonation8.0 Introduction8.1 Intonation and Meaning8.2 Tonic Harmony in Discourse8.2.1 Tone and interpersonal harmony8.2.2 A sample analysis8.3 Intonation Harmony in News Interviews8.3.1 Tone in introduction8.3.2 Tone in the questioning part8.3.3 Tone in the answering part8.4 Paralanguage in News Interviews8.4.1 Laughter in news interviews8.4.2 Interruption/overlapping in news interviews8.4.3 Feedback in news interviews8.4.4 Interpretation8.5 SummaryChapter 9 Conclusions and Suggestions9.1 Summary and Evaluation9.2 Implications of the Research9.3 Limitations and Suggestions {or Future ResearchAppendicesReferencesList of TablesList of FiguresAbbreviations后记
《新闻访谈中的人际连贯研究》运用SyStemic Coder进行定量分析,对人际连贯的性质及其相关要素进行了全面论述,提出了具有整合性和原创性的人际连贯理论模式。