
出版时间:2010-2  出版社:北京航空航天大学  作者:郭崇兴 编  页数:341  


  众所周知,英语往往是决定考研成败的一门重要公共课。对于大部分考研学生来说,想考好英语必须经历很长时间的有效复习。英语不能靠临时抱佛脚来过关,而需要单词、语法、阅读、写作等综合能力同时提高。看起来仅仅是一张100分的卷子,要考好却需花费更多的努力。  那么,考研英语到底该如何复习呢?其实最好的方法就是根据历年真题老老实实去记单词、做阅读和写作文。而其中阅读又是考研英语的重中之重,得阅读者得天下,所以考生一定要重视。  很多人对英语阅读应该如何去读、如何去解题没有一个系统的方法,其实决定阅读成绩的是阅读实力和阅读方法,而不是阅读技巧。经济学中有个众所周知的“木桶理论”:决定盛水量的是箍成木桶的最短的木条。英语阅读中,阅读实际能力就是短木条,而阅读技巧是长木条。所以,在阅读复习的前中期一定要立足于提高实际能力,着重阅读方法,注重快速阅读中把握线索的能力等。阅读提高不在于读很多文章,而是要精读:即真正读懂每一篇文章,理解每道题正确选项为什么正确,错误选项为什么错误。  无论考研英语高分者或是考研辅导名师都不得不承认一个事实:历年真题才是最好的复习资料。考生可以什么书都没有,但必须要有一本历年真题。真题的利用价值很大,从这些题中可以分析出考研的出题方式、出题角度和难度等,其好处有二:其一,历年真题都是很多命题专家仔细斟酌讨论的结果,虽然考过的题不会再考,但对其进行分析思考有助于了解命题思路,把握考题走向,掌握解题方法;其二,分析历年真题,使考生明确考题的难度、特点等,有助于挑选接近真题的练习题、模拟题。所以,每个考生都要对其仔细琢磨(而不仅仅是做做而已)。以往考研成功者的经验均是:反复地利用真题熟悉考试思路,直到弄懂每一个词、每一句话、每一个选项为止。研究真题的效果很明显,只要你找到个中关键所在,那么对阅读就一通百通了。对于真题建议大家至少仔细研读三遍。  实践证明,精读历年考研英语的阅读真题是提高阅读成绩最行之有效的手段。所谓精读,就是对阅读真题进行全面剖析,不仅牢记词汇和分析难句,使自己的语言水平得到提高,而且破解各种题型的解题思路,使自己永远立于不败之地。  基于以上思想,本书严格按照最新考研英语大纲英语(一)(非英语专业)和1995年至2010年的考研英语真题编写而成,围绕考研英语历年真题阅读理解Part A部分进行剖析,帮助考生迅速全面提高考研英语阅读水平和应试能力。本书内容包括历年真题阅读Part A每篇文章的大纲词汇和超纲词汇(并且精确统计出每个单词在历年真题中出现的次数)、文中的长难句以及相应的语法结构分析、每道题目答题方法的详细解析及相关知识点、阅读原文的精准翻译。


  《2011考研英语历年真题阅读理解精读笔记》严格按照最新考研英语大纲英语(一)(非英语专业)和1995年至2010年的考研英语真题编写而成。围绕考研英语历年真题阅读理解Part A部分进行剖析,帮助考生迅速全面提高考研英语阅读水平和应试能力。内容包括历年真题阅读理解Part A每篇文章的大纲词汇和超纲词汇(并且精确统计出每个单词在历年真题中出现的次数)、文中的长难句以及相应的语法结构分析、每道题目答题方法的详细解析及相关知识点、阅读原文的精准翻译。适合所有参加英语(一)的考研学生,参加英语(二)的考研学生可参考《2011考研英语历年真题阅读理解精读笔记》。作者郭崇兴是考研辅导顶级名师。






  Habits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxinginto the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. "Not choice. But habit rules the unreflecting herd. "William Wordsworth said in the 19th century. In the ever-changing 21st century, even the word "habit"carries a negative connotation.  So it seems antithetical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. But brainresearchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel paths, andeven entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought ontO new, innovative tracks.  Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit, we can instead direct our ownchange by consciously developing new habits. In fact, the more new things we try——the more we stepoutside our comfort zone——the more inherently creative we become, both in the workplace and in ourpersonal lives.  But dont bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain,theyre there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately press into ourselves create parallel pathwaysthat can bypass those old roads.  "The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder," says Dawna Markova, author ofThe Open Mind and an executive change consultant for professional Thinking Partners. "But we are taughtinstead to decide, just as our president calls himself the Decider. "She adds, however, that" to decideis to kill off all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many otherpossibilities. "  All of us work through problems in ways of which were unaware, she says. Researchers in the late1960s discovered that humans are born with the capacity to approach challenges in four primary ways:analytically,procedurally,relationally(or collaboratively) and innovatively. At puberty ,however,the brainshuts down half of that capacity, preserving only those modes of thought that have seemed most valuableduring the first decade or so of life.


  重点单词,统计出现频率,难句剖析化,解阅读障碍,答案解析,指点解题秘诀,全文精译,帮助理解原文。全面剖析近15年真题阅读理解,适合英语(一)考生英语(二)考生可参考。  郭崇兴考研力作 彰显名师实力




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