出版时间:2009-10 出版社:北京航空航天大学出版社 作者:朱泰祺 页数:189 字数:378000
本书是按照《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)考试大纲(非英语专业·2010年版)》所规定的题型和试卷结构编写的。按新大纲规定,英语(一)除继续供全国统考使用外,部分专业学位类别也可选用“英语(一)”。本书作者力图把大纲的测试要求体现到具体的试题中去,以帮助广大考生深刻领会考试大纲的精神并进行有的放矢的考前复习,做到知己知彼、胸有成竹。 本书包括八套研究生入学考试英语模拟试卷及比较详细的题解注释,以引导考生正确理解各个测试项目的命题思路、试题难度、复习重点和解题对策。考生在使用本书时应注意以下几点: 1.做模拟试题的宗旨是分析过去、总结规律,认识现在、找出差距,展望未来、信心倍增。为此,考生应在规定时间内全神贯注、认真解题,运用所学的知识和所培养的语言能力分析试题、把握要领、按部就班、各个击破。既要注意做题的准确率,又要注意解题的速度;既要考虑每题的分值,又要把握全局,从微观入手,由宏观调控,就像一位战场上的指挥员:运筹于帷幄之中,得胜于千里之外。 2.每做完一套试卷(3小时).就必须进行全面的总结(约需4—5小时)。首先要弄清在测试的各大项目中,自己的哪一项较强,哪一项较弱。凡做对的题,要总结成功的经验;做错的题,要分析失败的教训,从而明确前进的方向.以便有效利用考前的宝贵时间,达到举一反三、事半功倍的目的。切忌盲目解题、只求数量、不顾质量,只看答案、不求甚解。 3.本书中对每套试卷的每道试题除给出答案外都做了比较详细的注释。在注释中作者指出了试题的类型和解题的思路、方法和技巧。考生应仔细推敲、反复思考,把教师所传授的经验转变为自己的应试能力。 4.考生在做模拟试题时应把重点放在阅读理解和写作上。阅读理解共包括三节:A节选择填空题、B节选择搭配题和C节英译汉试题,所以在复习时要用阅读理解来带动完形填空和写作。写作训练要注意A节应用文和B节说明性议论文的宏观框架、段落结构和常用句型,要把背记、造句、改写和活用有机地结合起来,只有这样才能达到举一反三、触类旁通的目的。
全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)全真冲刺试卷Ⅰ(2010)全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)全真冲刺试卷Ⅱ(2010)全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)全真冲刺试卷Ⅲ(2010)全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)全真冲刺试卷Ⅳ(2010)全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)全真冲刺试卷Ⅴ(2010)全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)全真冲刺试卷Ⅵ(2010)全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)全真冲刺试卷Ⅶ(2010)全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)全真冲刺试卷Ⅷ(2010)答案与注释 全真冲刺试卷Ⅰ答案与注释 全真冲刺试卷Ⅱ答案与注释 全真冲刺试卷Ⅲ答案与注释 全真冲刺试卷Ⅳ答案与注释 全真冲刺试卷Ⅴ答案与注释 全真冲刺试卷Ⅵ答案与注释 全真冲刺试卷Ⅶ答案与注释 全真冲刺试卷Ⅷ答案与注释答题卡
The topic of cloning has been a politically and ethically controversial one since its verybeginning. While the moral and philosophical aspects of the issues are entirely up to theinterpretation of the individual, the application of cloning technology can be studiedobjectively. Many in the scientific community advocate the use of cloning for the preservationand support of endangered species of animals, which aside from cloning, have no otherpractical hope for avoiding extinction. The goal of the use of cloning to avoid extinction is the reintroduction of new genes intothe gene pool of species with few survivors, ensuring the maintenance and expansion ofgenetic diversity. Likely candidates for this technique are species known to have very fewsurviving members, such as the African Bongo Antelope, the Sumatran Tiger, and theChinese Giant Panda. In the case of Giant Panda, some artificial techniques for creatingoffspring have already been performed, perhaps paving the way for cloning as the next stepin the process. With the estimated population of only about 1,000 Giant Pandas left in the world, theurgency of the situation has led to desperate measures. One panda was born through thetechnique of artificial insemination in the San Diego Zoo in the United States. "Hua Mei"was born in 1999 after her parents, Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling, had trouble conceivingnaturally. The plan to increase the Giant Panda population through the use of cloning involves theuse of a species related to the Giant Panda, the American Black Bear. Egg cells will beremoved from female black bears and then fertilized with Panda cells such as those fromLing-Ling or Hsing-Hsing. The fertilized embryo will then re-implanted into the black bear,where it will grow and mature, until a new panda is delivered from the black bear host. Critics of cloning technology argue that the emphasis on cloning as a method by which topreserve species will draw funding away from other methods, such as habitat preservationand conservation. Proponents of cloning counter that many countries in which manyendangered species exist are too poor to protect and maintain the species~ habitats anyway,making cloning technology the only practical way to ensure that those species survive tofuture generations. The issue is still hotly debated, as both sides weigh the benefits thatcould be achieved against the risks and ethical concerns that constantly accompany anyargument on the issue. (402 words)
《朱泰祺2010考研英语(1)全真冲刺试卷》全国考研英语辅导公认权威品牌。 朱泰祺教授编著的《考研英语全真冲刺试卷》与被大江南北考生誉为“考研圣经”的《新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导》同样出色, 被传为神话。 凭借二十多年的考研辅导经验,朱泰祺教授准确把握研究生英语入学考试命题思路,又针对新大纲精心编写了《2010考研英语全真冲刺试卷》,1986-2001年教育部考研评分执行细则五人专家组成员