出版时间:2010-4 出版社:东北财经大学出版社有限责任公司 作者:(美)菲尔德(Field, B.C.),(美)(Field, M.K.) 著,原毅军,陈艳莹 译注 页数:471 字数:700000
The exact shape and location of the production possibility curve are deter-mined by the technical capacities in the economy, together with the ecologicalfacts——meteorology, hydrology, and so on——-of the natural system in which thesociety is situated. It says, for example, that if the current level of economic out-put is cl, an increase to c2 can be obtained only at the cost of a decrease in envi-ronmental quality from el to e2. One major objective of any society, of course, isto change the production possibility curve so that the underlying trade-off ismore favorable in other words, so that a given economic output is consistentwith higher levels of environmental quality.Although the PPC itself is a technical constraint, where a society chooses tolocate itself on its PPC is a matter of social choice. This depends on the valuesthat people in that society place on conventional economic output as opposedto environmental quality. Where values come from is an open question, but itis clear that values differ from one person to another and even for the sameperson at different points in time. The study of the values that people place onenvironmental factors is a major part of environmental economics and will bediscussed in more detail in Chapters 7 and 8. Another matter of concern is that current measures of aggregate economicoutput typically contain only measures of quantities of market goods. This isbecause the prices of these goods and services are provided by the markets inwhich they are traded, so their aggregate values can be assessed quite easily. Envi-ronmental quality, on the other hand, is generally a nonmarket type of outcome, inthe sense that elements of environmental quality do not trade directly on marketswhere prices could be evaluated. If a society puts too much stress on increasingits measured output, it may end up at a point like (c2, e2) in Figure 2.2, panel (a),even though true social welfare may be higher at a point like.
巴利·C.菲尔德(Barry C.Field),是马萨诸塞州立大学资源经济学教授。他曾执教于迈阿密大学和乔治.华盛顿大学。在康奈尔大学获得本科和硕士研究生学位后,他从加利福尼亚州立大学伯克利分校获得博士学位。在马萨诸塞州立大学菲尔德教授长期为各层次学生讲授环境经济学,并
前言第一部分 导论 第1章 什么是环境经济学 经济分析 激励的重要性 激励:一个有关居民的例子 激励与全球变暖 环境政策的设计 宏观经济问题:环境与经济增长 收益一成本分析 环境估价 市郊化扩张 国际问题 经济全球化与环境 环境经济学与政治 小结 第2章 经济与环境 自然资源经济学 基本平衡 环境的经济和社会资产功能 术语 排放、周边环境质量和损害 污染物的类型 累积性污染与非累积性污染 局部污染、区域污染与全球污染 点源污染与非点源污染 持续性排放和间歇性排放 与废弃物排放无关的环境损害第二部分 分析工具 第3章 成本和收益、供给和需求 第4章 经济效率与市场 第5章 环境质量经济学第三部分 环境分析 第6章 分析框架 第7章 收益-成本分析:收益 第8章 收益-成本分析:成本第四总分 环境政策分析 第9章 环境政策的评估标准 第10章 分权政策:责任法、产权、自愿行为 第11章 命令和控制型的环境政策:标准 第12章 激励型的环境政策:排污费和补贴 第13章 激励型环境政策:可转让排污许可证第五部分 美国的环境政策 第14章 美国的水污染控制政策 第15章 美国空气污染控制政策 第16章 美国联邦有毒及有害物质控制政策 第17章 州和地方环境事务第六部分 国际环境问题 第18章 其他工业化国家的环境问题 第19章 经济发展与环境 第20章 全球环境 第21章 国际环境协定附录 本书词语简写和缩略词
插图:When our descendants look back at the last part of the 20th century, and now atthe beginning of the 21st, we want them to be able to say: "That's when theybegan to take the degradation of the natural environment, with its threats tohuman life and the life of the planet, seriously." Furthermore, we would likethem to be able to see that around this time we took serious steps to halt and re-verse this process. This book is an introduction to environmental economics,one way of approaching the steps that need to be taken. It's about the wayhuman decisions affect the quality of the environment, how human values andinstitutions shape our demands for improvement in the quality of that environ-ment, and, most especially, about how to design effective public policies tobring about these improvements. Problems of environmental quality are not something new; in fact, history isfilled with bleak examples of environmental degradation, from deforestation byancient peoples to mountains of horse manure in urban areas in the days beforeautomobiles. But today's world is different. For one thing, many people in eco-nomically developed countries, having reached high levels of material well-being, are beginning to ask questions: What good is great material wealth if itcomes at the cost of large-scale disruptions of the ecosystem by which we arenourished? More fundamental, perhaps, is the fact that with contemporary eco-nomic, demographic, and technological developments around the world, theassociated environmental repercussions are becoming much more widespreadand lethal. What once were localized environmental impacts, easily rectified,have now become widespread effects that may very well turn out to be irre-versible. Indeed some of our most worrisome concerns today are about globalenvironmental impacts.