出版时间:1970-1 出版社:东北财经大学出版社有限责任公司 作者:哈罗德·孔茨 (Harold Koontz) 等 著 页数:446 译者:孟韬 注释
The eighth edition of this book prepares men and women for a challenging and rewarding career of managing. This book is based on the classic best-selling book Management: A Global and Entrepreneurial Perspective which, in its previous editions, has been translated into some 16 languages. Each chapter in this book has been updated with recent management information. As the title Essentials of Management: An International Perspective indicates, the book takes an international view of managing. As the world changes rapidly, this up-to-date edition is in response to these changes, especially in Asia. Through our research, travels, and teaching in many countries, Professor Koontz and I have learned from students, managers, and professors, listening to the challenges they encounter.Previous editions of this book have been published in many languages. The inter- national perspective will appeal to those realizing that the old barriers are disappearing and new alliances among companies and peoples are being formed. Beyond the discussion of managerial issues in America and Asia, attention is given to topics in the European Union and Latin America. The purpose of this book is to make readers better leaders by acquiring an international perspective and applying management principles, concepts, and theories in their work.Who will Benefit from this Book?All persons will benefit, including students in colleges and universities, aspiring man- agers, those who already have managerial skills, professionals, and nonmanagers who want to understand managing. This book is for people in all kinds of organizations, not just business firms; it is relevant to those working for nonbusiness organizations as well, such as government, healthcare, educational institutions, and not-for-profit enterprises.Managerial functions are essentially the same for firstqine supervisors, middle managers, and top executives. To be sure, there are considerable variations in environ- ment, scope of authority, and types of problems in the various positions. Yet, all managers undertake the same basic functions to obtain results by establishing an environment for effective and efficient performance of individuals working together in groups.
第一篇 全球管理的基本理论与实践第1章 管理:科学、理论与实践管理的定义:性质与目的管理:科学还是艺术管理思想的演变当代管理理论:管理理论的丛林管理流程的系统方法经理人的职能管理的系统模型与本书框架总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:麦当劳——为世界提供快餐管理大师介绍参考文献第2章 管理与社会:外部环境、社会责任和伦理在多元化社会中经营技术环境生态环境经理人的社会责任管理中的伦理变革管理的信任基础总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:工厂里的精神参考文献第3章 全球化管理、比较管理与质量管理国际管理和跨国公司国家间联盟与经济壁垒国际管理:国家间的管理差异与文化波特的国家竞争优势理论通过质量管理获得全球竞争优势总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:星巴克:向全球销售高品质与社会意识参考文献第二篇 计划第4章 计划与目标管理的实质计划的类型计划的流程目标目标管理的多种含义总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:树立明确的目标参考文献第5章 战略、政策与计划的假定战略和政策性质与目的战略计划的流程TOWS矩阵:环境分析的现代方法蓝海战略:配置资源的方法组合矩阵:资源配置工具战略和政策的主要类型公司战略的等级波特的产业分析方法和一般竞争战略假定与预测总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:价值2500美元的人性化Tata汽车参考文献第6章 决策理性决策的重要性和局限性发展备选方案和限制因素评价备选方案选择一个方案:三种方法程序化和非程序化决策确定性决策、不确定性决策和风险条件下的决策创造力与创新总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:家乐福——走向何方?参考文献第三篇 组织第7章 组织的性质、创业与再造正式组织和非正式组织组织分工:部门制组织的层级和管理幅度适于企业内外创业者的组织环境组织再造组织化的流程和结构建立有效组织需回答的问题总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:宝洁公司的企业流程再造参考文献第8章 组织结构:部门制职能部门制区域部门制顾客部门制产品部门制矩阵制战略业务单位全球环境中的组织结构虚拟组织无边界组织部门制形式的选择总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:戴姆勒-奔驰公司的结构再造参考文献第9章 直线式/参谋式职权、授权与分权职权与权力授权直线式/参谋式职权的含义与职能性职权分权职权的授权授权的艺术分权的关键:平衡总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:全球汽车产业参考文献第10章 有效的组织和组织文化通过计划避免组织过程中的错误避免组织的刚性使员工有效地工作明确责任避免冲突确保理解组织的真正含义创建合适的组织文化总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:韩国Daewoo公司的结构再造 参考文献第四篇 人事第11章 人力资源管理与甄选人事的定义人力资源管理的系统方法:人事职能概览影响人事管理的环境因素选拔:按岗择人选拔的的系统方法概述岗位要求和工作设计经理人应具备的技能和人格特点将任职资格与岗位要求匹配招聘流程、技术和工具新员工的定向教育与组织融入未来的人力资源管理总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:Infosys公司的人才招聘参考文献第12章 绩效评价和职业战略选择评价标准根据明确的目标评价经理人根据经理人的基本要求来评价经理人团队评价方法绩效评价软件的应用奖励和缓解工作压力制定职业战略总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:用教科书来管理的女CEO参考文献第13章 通过经理人和组织发展来管理变革经理人发展流程和培训经理人发展方法:在职培训经理人发展方法:内部和外部培训培训项目的实用性及其评估变革管理组织冲突组织发展学习型组织总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:杰克?韦尔奇领导GE组织变革参考文献第五篇 领导第14章 人性特点与激励管理中的人性特点激励早期的行为模型:麦克雷戈的X理论与Y理论马斯洛的需求层次理论阿尔德佛的ERG理论赫茨伯格的双因素理论激励中的期望理论公平理论激励中的目标设置理论斯金纳的强化理论麦克莱恩的关于激励的需求理论特殊激励方法工作丰富化激励的系统和权变方法总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:惠普之道——是否继续实行?参考文献第15章 领导领导的定义领导的要素领导的特质理论领导的天赋理论领导行为和风格领导的情景和权变理论交易型领导和变革型领导总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:两位梦想者的领导风格:比尔?盖茨和斯蒂夫?乔布斯参考文献第16章 委员会、团队和群体决策委员会和小组的性质建立委员会和群体的原因委员会的缺点和误用委员会和小组的成功运行群体的其他含义团队委员会、小组和团队之间的冲突总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:该不该合并:向惠普、康柏以及CEO菲奥里纳提出的问题参考文献第17章 沟通沟通的目的沟通的过程组织中的沟通沟通中的障碍与突破实现有效沟通沟通中的电子媒介总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:“挑战者”号的悲剧是否能避免?参考文献第六篇 控制第18章 控制系统与控制流程控制的基本流程关键控制点、标准和标杆控制的反馈系统即时信息与控制事前或预防性控制全面绩效的控制利润与亏损控制投资回报控制管理审计与会计师事务所制度性控制与群体性控制有效控制的要求总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:沃尔玛在美国和全球参考文献第19章 控制技术和信息技术作为控制手段的预算传统的非预算控制手段时间-事件网络分析信息技术信息处理中的计算机使用信息技术带来的机遇与挑战数字经济、电子商务和移动商务总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:eBay的成功能否继续?参考文献第20章 生产率、运营管理与全面质量管理生产率问题与衡量制造业和服务业的生产与运营管理信息时代的质量检测运营管理系统提高生产率的工具与技术供应链和价值链管理总结主要思想和概念回顾讨论题实践题网络搜索国际案例:丰田的全球生产战略参考文献
插图:In the TOWS Matrix discussion, it was shown that companies could use their strengths and overcome their weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities and coping with threats. It was suggested that the potentially most successful strategy is to use the enterprise's strengths and to take advantage of opportunities.In the recently published book Blue Ocean Strategy- How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, the authors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne specifically suggest to focus on opportunities that explore uncontested waters (opportunities) in the "blue ocean" rather than trying to beat the competition in the existing industry, or the “red ocean” as the authors suggest. The red ocean may be illustrated by the "bloody" current competition in the automobile industry in which companies try to be a little better than their competitor by having a lower cost structure. In contrast, the blue ocean strategy may be illustrated by eBay's online auction by entering a market without competitors. Let us explore further the differences between the red and blue ocean strategies.Traditional competitive strategies, operating in the red ocean, aimed at beating the competition in an existing market. Companies tried to be better than their competitors. Michael Porter at Harvard suggested that companies have to make a strategic choice between differentiation by offering the customers something special for which they are willing to pay a premium price, or havin~ a lower cost structure as exemplified by Wal- Mart as discussed later in this chapter.The blue ocean strategy, by contrast, focuses on the uncontested market by offering a product or service that is unique in a market space where there is no competitor, thus making competition irrelevant as the subtitle of the book Blue Ocean Strategy suggests. Rather than competing in an existing demand situation, the blue ocean strategy attempts to create and develop new demand for its products or services. Moreover, the successful company will pursue strategies that focus on differentiation and low cost as was illustrated by the introduction of the Lexus car that had differen- tiation features of luxury cars but at a lower price. This way, Toyota, the maker of Lexus, created value for the buyer. Value innovation is more than simply innovation. It is a strategy that requires that the total company is commitment of the creation of value for the customer by offering something special with relatively low cost and price.To capture the blue ocean and to make the competition irrelevant, Kim and Mauborgne introduce a diagnostic tool and framework for action called The Strategic Canvas. This tool identifies the important relevant factors in an industry in which companies compete.