出版时间:2009-8 出版社:东北财经大学出版社 作者:[美] Linda Beamer, Iris Varner 页数:388
琳达·比默(Linda Beamer),美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校市场营销系教授。2002年,她获得了该大学的杰出教授奖。比默具有丰富的国际教学与咨询经历,曾经在英国、加拿大、中东、阿根廷、中国、日本和新西兰等地担任教师和顾问。
第4版序作者简介前言第1章 文化与沟通 1.1 文化意识的重要性 1.2 理解文化 1.3 对其他文化的反应 1.4 文化变迁的问题 1.5 对陌生文化个体的反应 1.6 沟通与文化 小结 注释第2章 语言在跨文化商务沟通中的作用 2.1 语言障碍与结果 2.2 语言与文化之间的关系 2.3 如何选择正确的语言 2.4 公司通用交际语言 2.5 译员的作用 2.6 与非本族语的人沟通 2.7 技术对口头沟通与书面沟通的影响 小结 注释第3章 了解另一种文化 3.1 提出问题 3.2 范畴1:思考和认知 3.3 范畴2:行动和成就 3.4 范畴3:原则性问题 小结 注释第4章 不同文化间的信息沟通 4.1 沟通模式回顾 4.2 组织常规信息 4.3 组织劝导性信息和论证过程 4.4 组织不受欢迎的信息 4.5 组织解决问题的信息 4.6 语言的作用与影响 4.7 商务信息的渠道 4.8 沟通风格 小结 注释第5章 跨文化沟通中的非言语语言 5.1 副语言 5.2 在面对面沟通中的非言语行为习惯 小结 注释第6章 建立关系的文化准则 6.1 尊重权威与信息结构 6.2 权力距离以及权力与权威的象征 6.3 独断专行与团队和谐 6.4 绩效奖励 6.5 社交在跨文化商务活动中的作用 6.6 跨文化沟通中的伦理因素 小结 注释第7章 跨文化谈判 7.1 谈判要素 7.2 谈判的阶段 小结 注释第8章 跨文化商务沟通中的法律因素与政府因素 8.1 沟通与合法信息 8.2 特定法律体系 8.3 争端解决 8.4 国际企业与国家利益 8.5 劳资沟通中的法律问题与沟通管理 8.6 劳工法规 8.7 营销沟通中的法律问题 8.8 投资态度与财务信息的沟通 小结 注释第9章 企业组织结构和企业文化对跨文化商务沟通的影响 9.1 企业文化与跨文化沟通 9.2 国际化时期 9.3 进出口时期 9.4 跨国公司 9.5 全球企业 9.6 企业组织结构的文化因素对跨国公司沟通的意义 9.7 基于框架组织的沟通 小结 注释第10章 跨国公司内部的跨文化原动力 10.1 DaimlerChrvsler并购案中的文化问题 10.2 跨文化商务沟通是取得成功的战略手段 小结 注释附录 案例1 还有什么地方会出错? 案例2 Hana合资公司
When to communicate is more complex than simply keeping time zones in mind,although that can be complex enough in a worldwide organization. Global busi-ness means having to stay up late in Germany to communicate with Hong Kong orhaving to rise early in Mexico to communicate with Israel. Cellular telephone technology has made it possible for people to reach acrosscontinents and time zones to speak to one another. John in Australia can take aphone call from Aziz in Dubai about the latest news from the Fosters BrewingInternational Ltd. company branch——even when it is 10 p.m. in Sydney and Johnhas just left a concert——ifAziz has his mobile phone number. Worldwide satel-lite transmission of mobile phone messages has increased communication effi-ciency for international firms. It has also extended the workday for employees,eroding the distinction between work time and private time. Future research nodoubt will track the ways cultures view and react to this blurring of work andprivate life. Knowing when to communicate also means choosing the right moment for aparticular message. Can you raise a business issue during lunch with someonefrom another culture? When riding in a hosts car? During a casual moment? Oronly in a formal environment? Often this is related to the question "Who is com-municating?" You may choose a formal moment to discuss sales figures with theexecutive vice president, but an informal moment with the manager of acco-unting. The question of who goes first in negotiation is in part a when question.North Americans often assume that every culture wants to go first and get theirposition out on the table because frequently they do. Teams in Japan or Chinausually want to be last so they can hold back their own position until theyveheard the other side. When to communicate also involves being "on time," something discussed inChapter Three, as well as the issue of a simultaneous versus sequential approachto tasks. If you are expecting exclusive attention from someone whose typicalmethod of operating is to carry on several communication tasks at the same time,you may be disappointed. Someone who expects you to be carrying on simultane-ous tasks may be uncomfortable with exclusive attention.