出版时间:1970-1 出版社:东北财经大学出版社有限责任公司 作者:徐欣吾,佩里·M·罗杰斯 著 页数:414
作者:(美国)佩里·M.罗杰斯 改编:徐欣吾
PART I THE GREEK WORLD1 The Age of Alexander the GreatPART II THE ROMAN WORLD2 The Roman Republic: Origins, Breakdown and Rebirth3 Caesar and Christ4 The Pax Romana and the Decline of RomePART III THE MEDIEVAL WORLD5 The Sword of Faith: The High Middle Ages (1100-1300)PART IV FOUNDATIONS OF THE MODERN WORLD6 "I Am the State!": The Development of Absolutism in England and France7 "Dare to Know!": The Scientific Revolution8 The Enlightenment and the Revolution of the MindPART V THE ERA OF REVOLUTION9 "A World to Win!": The Industrial Revolution10 "Mark Them with Your Dead!": The Scramble for Global EmpirePART VI THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AND BEYOND11 The Great War (1914-1918)12 "The Abyss Also Looks into You": War and Holocaust (1939-1945)
插图:centuries C.E. was a model of administrative excellence. Aqueducts, sewers, and public baths contributed to the cleanliness and convenience of city dwellers, and a vast highway network linked the provinces to the city of Rome. Although a few incompetent emperors and a major civil war threatened the political stability of the state, the government of the principate, which Augustus had established, functioned well. The frontiers of the empire were, for the most part, well defended, and the Roman peace (Pax Romana) ensured the maintenance of Western civilization. As the great eighteenth-century historian Edward Gibbon remarked, "The empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind."One aspect of civilization that stabilized Roman society was religion. The Romans had traditionally considered religion an important part of the prosperity of the state. They had established an intricate system of worship that employed nature gods, pagan deities syncretized from the Greeks, and a priesthood that saw to it the state enjoyed a close relation- ship with the gods by divining the future through the reading of animal entrails and the interpretation of omens. The state religion during the first century C.E. also came to include the worship of the emperor. Sacrifices to his health, however, were primarily patriotic and did not demand or even encourage the emotional involvement of the people. For such satisfaction, many turned to the consoling logic of philosophy or the emotional excitement of oriental mystery cults.