出版时间:2010-9 出版社:汕头大学 作者:胡洁 页数:278
1 包括综合教程+听说教程答案; 2 每单元包括文化背景、课文概要、篇章分析与写作、词汇与短语、难句分析、参考译文、练习答案与解析等部分; 3 含1套新题型六级真题及名校名师点评; 4 光盘内赠送12种学习资料,包括:词汇录音、课文录音、四级真题、六级真题、专四真题、考研真题、剑桥商务英语真题、VOA新闻、BBC新闻、CNN新闻、名人演讲和英语视听美文。
新题型六级真题自测Unit 1 Changes in the Way We LiveText A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.篇章分析与写作 3.词汇与短语 4.难句分析 5.参考译文 6.练习答案与解析Text B American Family Life: The Changing Picture 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.词汇与短语 3.难句分析4.参考译文Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes Text A The Freedom Givers 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.篇章分析与写作 3.词汇与短语 4.难句分析 5.参考译文 6.练习答案与解析Text B The Dream, the Stars and Dr. Kingn 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.词汇与短语 3.难句分析4.参考译文3Unit 3 Security Text A The Land of the Lock 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.篇章分析与写作 3.词汇与短语 4.难句分析 5.参考译文 6.练习答案与解析Text B Why I Bought a Gun 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.词汇与短语 3.难句分析4.参考译文6 Unit 4 Extraterrestrials Text A The Watery Place 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.篇章分析与写作 3.词汇与短语4.难句分析 5.参考译文3 6.练习答案与解析Text B Is There Life on Planets Circling Other Stars? 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.词汇与短语 3.难句分析4.参考译文Unit 5 How to Celebrate Holidays Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.篇章分析与写作 3.词汇与短语 4.难句分析 5.参考译文 6.练习答案与解析Text B Where Is Home? 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.词汇与短语 3.难句分析4.参考译文Unit 6 The Human Touch Text A The Last Leaf 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要4 2.篇章分析与写作4 3.词汇与短语 4.难句分析3 5.参考译文5 6.练习答案与解析Text B Thank You, Ma’m 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.词汇与短语 3.难句分析4.参考译文Unit 7 Making a Living Text A Life of a Salesman 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.篇章分析与写作 3.词汇与短语 4.难句分析 5.参考译文 6.练习答案与解析Text B Bricklayer’s Boy 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.词汇与短语 3.难句分析4.参考译文Unit 8 Cloning Text A A Clone is Born 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.篇章分析与写作 3.词汇与短语 4.难句分析 5.参考译文 6.练习答案与解析Text B Second Thoughts on Cloning 一、 文化背景 二、 课文精读 1.课文概要 2.词汇与短语 3.难句分析4.参考译文听说教程—答案与听力原文Unit 1-Unit 16 一、 练习答案 二、 录音原文
Part A Passage 1 Catherines mother was an energetic woman full of life and love before she gotcancer. It pained Catherine to see her mother suffer and become someone who de-pends entirely on others. Catherine tried hard to find a way to give her mothersomething to look forward to. Then one night last August an idea occurred to her.She would write a letter to the local newspaper; telling people how much she lovedher mother and asking them to send her their best wishes. The letter was publishedand within weeks her mother had received about 500 loving caring cards and let-ters. Catherine was so excited to see that her mothers old spirit returned. Hermother fought against her disease until she died in October. Today the letters havebecome a treasured memory and a constant source of inspiration for Catherine.Q: What does the passage mainly tell us? Passage 2 The nuclear family generally consists of a husband, a wife and children. How-ever, if there are no children, then the husband and wife are the nuclear family. Ifyou put two or more nuclear families together, then you have an extended family.For the most part, in an extended family a married couple lives with either thehusbands parents or the wifes parents. But the couple may also live with aunts,uncles, cousins and others who are not blood relations. The extended family pattern is favored in some countries. For example, as arule, people choose to live in extended families in Africa and Japan. In othercountries, the nuclear family pattern is favored. In these countries, where peoplecan choose the pattern they want, they normally choose to live only with their nu-clear family. Q: What can we learn from the passage? Passage 3 In some industrialized countries, the majority of elderly people dont see theirchildren on a regular basis due to the fact that they move so often. Then do youknow what percentage of the elderly live in the same household with their children,or live within ten minutes of their children by car? The answer is 60 percent ofthe elderly do. However, even though they may live close to their children, they donot see their children very often. They do not see their brothers and sisters orother relatives often either because the nuclear family is so strong in thesecountries. But there are some elderly people who live with their children. They areliving with their children because they are sick. Otherwise they would live on theirown. Luckily, there are some offices and programs that take care of the elderly forfamilies that no longer care for old people.
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