
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:汕头大学  作者:潘晓燕 编  页数:108  字数:710000  


1. 超重要5套试题,分册装订,双色印刷,解析包括全文翻译+2000核心词汇精讲,含录音;2. 最后5套预测,试题分册装订,解析合订,赠答题卡,方便随堂测试和核对答案;3. 5套真题,适合考前自测;4. 8套听力强化,解析详尽,录音原文随盘赠送;5. 赠预测作文16篇,附录音;6. 光盘另赠100条阅读难句等学习资料。四级预测卷选购指南如果您只需要纯预测试题进行考前测试,您可以选择:《命题改革与预测试卷-大学英语4级考试》


1. 方


8套听力强化锦囊16篇预测作文及写作常用句型总结超重要5套试题(全文翻译+2000核心词汇精讲)Model Test 1Model Test 2Model Test 3Model Test 4Model Test 5最后5套预测题(含答题卡)大学英语四级考试预测试题Test 1大学英语四级考试预测试题Test 2大学英语四级考试预测试题Test 3大学英语四级考试预测试题Test 4大学英语四级考试预测试题Test 5最后5套预测试题详解5套最新真题2010年12月大学英语四级考试试题2010年6月大学英语四级考试试题2009年12月大学英语四级考试试题2009年6月大学英语四级考试试题2008年12月大学英语四级考试试题


  Like the move from silent pictures to "talkies," the transition to electronic publishing willprove fatal to laggards. Those aggressively pursuing and developing e-books will rise to take con-trol of the publishing industry. Part of this revolution will happen in e-book marketing.  The new generation of e-book publishers will leverage social media, contextual advertisingand other innovations. For anyone who spends time online, specific e-book titles will increasinglybe advertised and marketed and integrated into other content. E-books, now mostly invisible, willsoon be everywhere.$. A rise In books written for electronic reading.  The shift from print to electronic will change the nature of the book itself. Many books willbe shorter. They'll be more timely and culturally relevant. They'll be more colorfully and engag-ingly written. And they'll go after young readers like nothing before.  As in Japan, this will spark a new cultural phenomenon of young people not just reading,but also writing novels and other book types on their mobile devices.  The idea that "people don't read anymore," especially young people, will be revealed as false.Young people today read more, and write a lot more, than any generation in history. To date,they've been unexcited about books, magazines and newspapers because they grew up with socialnetworking and social media. Once books are electronic, relevant and social, too, they'll startreading and writing books like crazy.6. The decline of the newspaper industry.  And, finally, the newspaper industry is dying. The old method of physically delivering blogentries on dead tree pulp is out-of-date. It's very simple. Newspapers that embrace e-books willsurvive. Those that don't, won't.  If you'd like to get a stark view of the relative economics of electronic vs. paper newspapers,check out a blog post on the Silicon Valley Insider. The blog did the math and determined thatthe New York Times could buy every single subscriber an Amazon Kindle e-book reader, and itwould still cost them half as much as it will cost them to send paper newspapers for just oneyear.  After decades of false starts, the e-book revolution is finally upon us. By this time next year,e-books will be totally mainstream.  ……


  牛!10次命中四级作文,8次命中六级作文  4套新题型真题+4套新题型预测  屡次命中:上海交通大学既是CET考试中心的所在地,又是CET考试的阅卷中心。本卷编者都是上海交通大学外语教育第一线的精英教师,具有多年阅卷经验,掌握第一手的信息。  华研预测曾10次命中CET-4真题作文、8次命中CET-6真题作文,以及4级听力对话题等!网上点击率超过千万的“4、6级作文锦囊16篇”就是本卷第3版的经典之作。  词汇锦囊,单词的读音、拼写和释义全录音,随光盘赠送。  作文锦囊,作文16篇全录音,走路、睡觉都能边听边记。  华研外语是国内第一家采用科学实验的手段来提高学习效率的文化开发科研机构,多年来致力于大学英语教学法和测试学的研究。  “方法第一”,即TOPWAY,是他的做事原则,方法得当就会事半功倍,让您花最少的时间取得最好的学习效果;“沙里淘金”,是他的思维方式,通过电脑分频等诸多科学手段,让您抓住问题的关键,用20%的精力取得研的方法可起到真正的“四两拨千斤”的奇效。  选择华研,选择Smart!




    命题改革与预测试卷大学英语4级考试·听力强化17版 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计19条)


  •   这份预测卷难度大体上和四级真题差不多,用来训练答题速度和英语能力还是非常不错的。
  •   这本试题很适合我,我很喜欢这份试题的安排,有点明确,我本人听力比较差,它的额外8套听力试题相信能给我一定的帮助与提高的,很满意哦
  •   希望可以通过学习顺利考过四级考试!
  •   很不错,听力很好
  •   师姐推荐的,说是经常会命中题目。
  •   我现在差不多天天看,很厚的一本阿。例句通俗易懂,单次错乱有序(因为是乱序嘛)
  •   很好,很试用,
  •   内容丰富,解析得很到位,最重要的是里面有我超喜欢的方法
  •   试卷还行吧,关键在与自己学习啦
  •   快考试了,所以选了这本书复习一下,感觉这本书挺好的。但愿能够顺利的通过。
  •   我是为了考试买的,还不错,就是没有专门的单词背诵卡,那就完美了
  •   商品不错,题讲得挺清晰的.
  •   就是纸质太薄!
  •   包装还不错、但打开之后发现有破损。东西还是不错的。
  •   还好,就是纸质差了点
  •   提挺好的!
  •   东西不齐全,作文没了
  •   内容很多,老师介绍的。正在用。
  •   客观的说,书总体不错,但是有些小错误,好在我能纠正,希望更好些

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