出版时间:2013-4 出版社:首都师范大学出版社 作者:曲一线 页数:296 字数:1060000
第一部分 命题研究
第二部分 体裁原创
专题一 记叙文
专题二 夹叙夹议
专题三 议论文
专题四 说明文
专题五 新闻与应用文
专题六 任务型阅读
专题七 图画与表格
专题一 人物故事类
专题二 文化教育类
专题三 体育类
专题四 自然环境类
专题五 健康类
专题六 科技类
专题七 社会类
专题八 热点话题类
第四部分 新模快递
Unit 1—5
Unit 6—10
Unit 11—15
Unit 16
第五部分 真题精解
Unit 1—5
Unit 6—10
Unit 11—12
第六部分 名师押题
Unit 1—5
Unit 6—10
版权页: 插图: Dream It.List It.Do It!offers over 5,000 life-changing ideas drawn from real people and is organized in 43 Categories-like Travel More,Create,Do Something Daring,Ignite Change,Expand My Education,Save the Earth,Love My Job,Finish What I Start,Be Healthier,Fix My Finances,Live in the Moment.Whether it's playing the piano,learning how to do a bandstand,cooking a perfect meal-or something much more central to one's life,just putting a desired goal on your list is like shouting "Yes,I can! " About the Author 43 Things began with three friends who wanted to start a company but didn't know what that company should do.The Robots( as they call themselves ) made lists of their own goals outside of work.When they began sharing their lists of goals,they discovered that sharing their lists was more exciting than the work they were thinking.And so 43 Things was born. Lia Steakley is a journalist and regular contributor to Seattle Metropolitan magazine and has written for wired and Business 2.0 magazines.She lives in Seattle. 家原创试题 1.What kind of book is Dream It.List It.Do it? A.A guide to those fond of travelling in foreign countries. B.A science book helping those having creative ideas. C.An introduction to those who like to make a list. D.A how-to book helping people make life easier. 2.What is the feature of Dream It.List It.Do it? A.The contents are all taken from the Internet. B.The stories are made up by three creative robots. C.The stories and experiences come from real people. D.The included experiences all come from Lia Steakley. 3.Who is the author of Dream It.List It.Do it? A.Ha Steakley and the editors of 43things.com. B.5,000 life-changing people across the world. C.Those who hope for bigger and braver life. D.Some robots invented by three friends. 4.What made 43things.com come into being? A.The encouragement of 1.5 million registered users. B.Lia Steakley's determination to leave her magazine. C.The fact that three friends' sharing their goals made them creative. D.Real people's decision to make advertisements in 43 fields.
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