出版时间:2010-6  出版社:北京大学医学出版社  作者:(美)李,(美)塔克 编写  页数:502  


With First Aid Cases for the USMLE Step 1, 2nd edition, we continue ourcommit ment to providing students with the most useful and up-to-date prepa-ration guides for the USMLE Step 1. This edition represents an outstanding effort by a talented group of authors and includes the following:Commonly asked question stems on the USMLE Step 1 integrated into asingle USMLE-style case.Concise yet complete explanations.Two-column format for easy self-quizzing.High-yield images, diagrams, and tables to complement the questions andanswers.Organized as a perfect supplement to First Aid for the USMLE Step 1.


This powerful study guide provides valuable experience in working through cases you must know on exam day. You'll also find active-recall questions that reinforce key points and hundreds of high-yield images correlated to First Aid for the USMLE Step 1.


编者:(美国)李(Tao Lee) (美国)塔克(Vinita Takiar)


Contributing AuthorsSenior ReviewersPrefaceAcknowledgmentsHow to ContributeBehavioral ScienceSECTION Ⅰ GENERAL PRINCIPLES    Case 1 : Alcohol Withdrawal    Case 2: Benzodiazepine Overdose    Case 3: Anorexia Nervosa    Case 4: Bias    Case S: Confidentiality and Its Exceptions    Case 6: Core Ethical Principles    Case 7: Delirium    Case B: Drug Intoxication    Case 9: Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests    Case 10: Infant Development    Case 11: Malpractice    Case 12: Operant Conditioning    Case 13: Opioid Withdrawal    Case 14: Sleep Physiology    Case 15: Sleep Stages  Biochemistry  Microbiology and Immunology  PharmacologySECTION Ⅱ ORGAN SYSTEMS  Cardiovascular  Endocrine  Gastrointestinal  Hematolory and OncologyMusculoskeletal  Neurology  Psychiatry  Renal  Reproductive  RespiratoryAppendixIndexAbout the Authors




《USMLE STEP1病例分析(第2版)》:400 high-yield cases prepare you to answer questions On the USMLE Step 1.Active-recall questions and answers reinforce important concepts.Organ i zed the same as First Aid for the USMLE Step 1.for paralleI study.Completely updated based on student feedback.Features:400 CIinical cases-147 NEW!-thatprepare you to answer q uestions on thethe USMLE Step 1.Active-recaI I questions and answers that walk you through each case and prepare you to think through questions onexam day.200+high-quality illustrations andclinical imagesorganization that matches First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 and First Aid Q&A for the USMLE Step 1 So you can coordinateyour study.Completely updated based on studentfeedback-so you can be sure you're studying the most up-to-date,relevant materiaI avai lable.



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用户评论 (总计11条)


  •   跟国内的病例分析书不太一样
  •   强推,适合复习专英以及各种病例
  •   所有的400个病例都有,病史,然后一步步让你去推导诊断,建议的检查,很喜欢。
  •   觉得看英语比看中文更容易记住。一个病例差不多一页纸,格式整齐划一,很容易看。是否有用,要看个人了
  •   对于医学院专业课程考试有帮助!考U必备
  •   挺有必要买的,虽然不考试,但是可以拓展一下自己的能力!
  •   还没看,好像还不错
  •   很好的书 超级喜爱
  •   不知道对考试有没有用,但是有病例还是不错的
  •   书很好,就是影印版质量比较差~亚马逊的发货还是很快的~
  •   北大只是印刷,没有翻译

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