
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:北京大学医学出版社  作者:(美)迈廷,克莱斯克 编写  页数:434  


美国医师执照考试(United States Medical Licensing Examination,USMLE)是针对全世界各国医学院的学生或毕业生,欲到美国从医的执照考试,考试全部为选择题,采用计算机考试。考试分为:Step 1(第一阶段)、Step 2(第二阶段)、Step 3(第三阶段)。本册为Pre Test列之《生理学(第13版)》。当前,我国很多医学院校在进行英文授课、考试的改革,本书对国内从事英语授课、考试的教师和学生也有重要的参考价值。为广大的医学生和医务工作者比较中关医学教育和自己掌握的知识提供参考。同时,该书也是学习专业英语的好教材。


作者:(美国)迈廷(Patricia J.Metting) (美国)克莱斯克(James F.Kleshinski)


IntroductionAcknowledgmentsHigh-Yield Facts  High-Yield Facts In PhysiologyGeneral Principles: Cellular Physiology  Questions  AnswersGeneral Principles: Multisystem Processes  Questions  AnswersPhysiology of the Hematopoeitic andLymphoreticular Systems  Questions  AnswersNeurophysiology  Questions  AnswersMusculoskeletal Physiology  Questions  AnswersRespiratory Physiology  Questions  AnswersCardiovascular Physiology  Questions  AnswersGastrointestinal Physiology  Questions  AnswersRenal and Urinary Physiology  Questions  AnswersReproductive Physiology  Questions  AnswersEndocrine Physiology  Questions  AnswersBibliographyIndex


插图:150.The answer is b.(Ganong,PP 297-298.Stead,PP 298-299) Strenu-OUS exercise and a high protein diet can cause overDroduction of uric acid.Allopurinol,which inhibits xanthine oxidase,decreases the primary causeof gout by decreasing uric acid production.Colchicine is given in acutegout to inhibit phagocytosis of uric acid crystals by leukocytes,a processthat in some way produces the 10int symptoms.Nonsteroidal anti-inflam-matory aRents,particularly indomethacin,are also used to relieve the acutearthritic SyIrtptoms of gout.Aspirin is contraindicated in acute goutbecause it decreases urate excretion.Uricosurics are effective in increasingthe excretion of uric acid in patients whose gout is caused by decreasedurate excretion,such as chronic renal disease,diabetes ketoacidosis,use ofthiazide diuretics,and ethanol ingestion.


"I like the High-Yield section in the beginning of the book.It's a nice quick review yet at the same time is thorough and includes the truly high-yield things to know for boards and class."  ——Sheree Perron,Third Year Medical Student,Eastern Virginia Medical School"I found PreTest Physiology to follow fairly closely my experience with the USMLE Step 1 as far as question structure and depth of the materiaI covered.The most basic and most commonly tested questions in physiology in each system were addressed as well as some of the finer details students still need to know"  ——Daniel Marcovici.Third Year Medical Student,Sackler School of Medicine,Tel Aviv University


《美国医师执照考试:生理学(第13版)》:Great for course review and the USMLE Step 1!Biochemistry and Genetics:PreTest asksthe right questions so you'll know the rightanswers.Open it and start learning what’s onthe test.500 USMLE-type questions and answersDetailed explanations for correct and incorrect answersTargets what you really need to know for exam successStudent tested and reviewed




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用户评论 (总计15条)


  •   在美国好几十刀呢,当当不愧是最大的图书购物网站,影印教材很先进,在美国留学的同学也想买了带过去,好几个同学要考牛哄哄的美国医生哦,DR HOUSE!!
  •   全英文的啦,答案很详细的
  •   内容很好,尤其题目特棒,全英!但不是教材,注意
  •   包括High-yield facts, general principles,questions and answers.测试你对每一章节的掌握程度,准确了解你需要加强的知识点
  •   相信这本书 没错
  •   内容布吉岛。但是书的包装和图片差不多,也蛮完整,没啥缺陷的。
  •   书是很不错的,一看就和中国的资料书完全不同
  •   很不错最新版的而且练习很贴近真题!
  •   虽然买了但是看不懂
  •   还没怎么看 但是应该不错
  •   这是好书但书有点脏
  •   题目很好 讲解详细 ~~
  •   书很好,只是买回来才发现学校图书馆有的。。。。
  •   是本习题集来的,前面有很笼统的概括,不过能不能考上USMLE这个先放一边,这本书本身是不错的参考,这些题都是和临床相结合的
  •   经典系列,现在国内老师们也喜欢从上面抽题

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