
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:北京大学医学出版社  作者:布朗 编  页数:612  


The study of pathology, a science so basic to clinical medicine, has been abbreviated sadly in many medical schools in recent years, and that too at a time when explosive growth is occurring in the science. Recent advances in immunopathology, diagnosis of bacterial and viral diseases including AIDS, and detection of infectious agents such as papillomavirus in cervical dysplasia are proceeding at a tremendous rate. The thirteenth edition of Pathology: PreTestTM Self-Assessment and Review includes such new subject areas as predictive values in the interpretation of laboratory data, the importance of cytokines, the molecular basis of genetic and other disease processes, and molecular biology techniques as these apply to lymphopro- liferative disorders and other tumors.The medical student must feel submerged at times in the flood of information——occasionally instructors may have similar feelings. This edi- tion is not intended to cover all new knowledge in addition to including older anatomic and Clinical pathology. It is, rather, a serious attempt to present important facts about manY disease processes in the hope that the student will read much further in major textbooks and journals and will receive some assistance in passing medical school, licensure, or board examinations.


This book is a wonderful resource for second year medical students taking pathology as well as medical students in their clinical years. It is a good review and highly relevant to what I am seeing in the hospital.


编者:(美国)布朗(Earl J.Brown)


PrefaceIntroductionHigh-Yield Facts  High-Yield Facts in PathologyGeneral Pathology  Questions  AnswersCardiovascular System  Questions  AnswersHematology  Questions  AnswersRespiratory System  Questions  AnswersHead and Neck  Questions  AnswersGastrointestinal System  Questions  AnswersUrinary System  Questions  AnswersReproductive Systems  Questions  AnswersEndocrine System  Questions  AnswersSkin  Questions  AnswersMusculoskeletal System  Questions  AnswersNervous System  Questions  AnswersBibliographyIndex


插图:Chancroid is an acute venereal disease that is characterized by painfulgenital ulcers with lymphadenopathy.It is caused by Hducreyi,a small,gram-negative bacillus.Gram stains of the suppurative lesions or cultureson specialized media may be used to make the diagnosis.Serologic tests arenotuseful.Neisseria gonorrheae,a gram-negative diplococcus,causes gonorrhea,an acute suppurative infection 0f the genital tract.In males it produces apurulent discharge(urethritis)and dysuria.In women.it may be asympto-matic(50%),or it may produce infection of the cervix with accompaningvaginal discharge,dysufia,and abdominal pain.Ascending infections inwomen can iead to salpingitis,tuboovarian abscess,and pelvic inflamma-tory disease(PID).Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome refers to perihepatitis infec-tion.In newborns,infection acquired during birth can produce a purulentconjunctivitis(ophthalmia neonatorum).This disease has been preventeddue to prophylactic therapy to newborn infants.A Gram stain of the ure-thral or cervica[exuciate may reveal the intracytoplasmic gram-negativediplococci,or the exudate can be cultured on special media.


《美国医师执照考试:病理学(第13版)》:500 USMLE-type questions and answersDetailed explanations for correct and incorrect answersTargets what you really need to know for exam successStudent tested and reviewed



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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   美国医师资格考试丛书。恩,还有什么可说的吗。。
  •   帮人买的,这美国巨贵,中国就书比美国便宜了
  •   非常好,印刷清楚
  •   题目有答案还有讲解.
  •   我只想说,这是纯英文的。。。
  •   书不错,可深化医学术语及基础知识,关键是便宜!

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