
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:北京大学医学出版社  作者:林志彬  页数:162  


Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) is historically a treasured herbalmaterial in China. It is becoming well-known all over the world inrecent years. The Chinese traditional medicine's classic, ShetmongMateria Medica regards Lingzhi as being of a "supremely exquisite"quality with tonic and longevity effects. Over the years, fables andlegends adored Lingzhi with a patina of mystery as a "heavenly herb"that connotes auspiciousness, blissfulness and happiness.Professor Zhi-Bin Lin, a distinguished pharmacologist, hasdevoted a life-long study on Lingzhi. With his extraordinary insightson the culture, pharmacology, physiology, chemistry and clinicalapplications associated with Lingzhi, Prof. Lin presents in this bookthe scientific understanding of the herb's beneficial functions onhuman immune, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.Thus, Lingzhi has been applied as an adjuvant treatment for cancerpatients, and also a food supplement to improve general health andwellness.Lingzhi from Mystery to Science is written based on actualresearch and clinical findings. Prof. Lin explains the complextheories in commonly understandable language.


  Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) is historically a treasured herbalmaterial in China. It is becoming well-known all over the world inrecent years. The Chinese traditional medicines classic, ShetmongMateria Medica regards Lingzhi as being of a "supremely exquisite"quality with tonic and longevity effects. Over the years, fables andlegends adored Lingzhi with a patina of mystery as a "heavenly herb"that connotes auspiciousness, blissfulness and happiness.ingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) is historically a treasured herbalmaterial in China.


Chapter1 Mystery and Culture of Lingzhi  Lingzhi in myths  Lingzhi in ancient poems  "Catholicon" according to Taoism  Auspicious symbol for Chinese  Guo Mo-Ruo's poem on LingzhiChapter2 Lingzhi as Described in Shennong Materia Medica  Shennong Materia Medica on Lingzhi              Scientific understanding on Lingzhi by scholars in early years                               Criticism on misinformation regarding Lingzhi in the old time                       Current understanding of the six kinds of Lingzhi  Interpretation of Shennong Materia Medica using the traditional Chinese and Western medicine principles                     Chapter3 Understanding Lmgzhi  Lingzhi fruiting body-a Chinese medicine  Life cycle of Lingzhi  Morphological characteristics ofhyphae, fruiting body and spores  Cultivation of Lingzhi for its fruiting bodies  Submerged fermentation for Lingzhi mycelia  Lingzhi's "genealogy" revealed by DNA fingerprinting   Organic cultivation of Lingzhi  Lingzhi's active components and pharmacological effectsChapter4 Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis with Lingzhi  Chronic bronchitis                              Therapeutic efficacy of Lingzhi on chronic bronchitis    Immunorcgulating nature of Lingzhi              Chapter5 Prevention and Treatment of Hyperlipidemia with LingzhiChapter6 Anti-Hypertensive Effects of LingzhiChapter7 Preventive and Therapeutic Effect of Lingzhi on Diabetes MellitusChapter8 Prevention and Treatment with Lingzhi for NeurasthenisChapter9 Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis with LingzhiChapter10 Adjuvant Therapy for Cancers with LingzhiChapter11 Care for Health of the Sub-Healthy Middle-Aged and ElderlyChapter12 Lingzhi Minimizes Poisoning Effect of Poisonous MushroomsChapter13 Lingzhi for Treatment of Other DiseasesChapter14 Recommendations in Choosing and Using Lingzhi ProductsChapter15 Processing Technology for Lingzhi ProductsAppendix


插图:In the Flying Dragon, he told a story of hisencounter in the misty Mt. Tai with a Taoist monk on a white deerwith a Lingzhi in his hand. It was from that man he learned the magichealth benefits of Lingzhi.In the Singing Trip era Han Dynasty Yuefu-style poem, a similarstory was told. The author met a god-like man with short hair andlong ears riding a white deer, and was led to pick Lingzhi. At thelegendary man's home, he was shown the tonic made from thehealth-improving, hair-color darkening, and life-prolonging effects ofthe reddish herb.The "Lingzhi culture" was greatly influenced by Taoism, thenative religion in China. Taoism believes that living is most impor-tant and that human beings can be immortal by following the regimensand taking a certain magical herbs. Bao Pu Zi written by Ge Hongpresented the theory suggesting that a person could learn to becomeimmortal. It even included stories of such occurrences by takingLingzhi.The ancient Taoist theory considered Lingzhi as the best amongthe catholicons, and by consuming Langzhi, one would never growold or die. Therefore, Lingzhi acquired the names, such as Shenzhi(heavenly herb) and Xiancao (magic grass), and became mystified. Inthe book of Ten Continents in the World, Lingzhi grew everywherein the fairy land. Gods fed n it to gain immortality. In the JinDynasty, Wang Jia's Picking Up the Lost and in the Tan Dynasty, DaiFu's The Vast Oddities, 12,000 varieties of Lingzhi were said to becultivated on acres of land in Mt.





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  •   林志彬是我国研究灵芝的真正专家,用西医的方法研究中医的药材,科学客观,收获颇多,是认识灵芝的权威图书!林教授的这种研究方法应该是探索中药材的药性的唯一方法,而不能靠忽悠,才是发展中医的方法啊!!
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