出版时间:2009-8 出版社:北京大学医学出版社 作者:(美)翟启辉,周庚寅 主编 页数:472
为使医学教育和国际逐步接轨,双语教学在我国医学院校已推行多年,但至今仍然缺乏被广泛认可的教科书。自编的教材受英语水平的限制,语言表达上往往不尽人意。Robbius Basic Pathologp,是在全世界深受欢迎并被广泛采用的权威性教学用书,其立足前沿的理论知识、独特精致的编写风格、严谨规范的专业术语、图文交融的编排方式,无一不受到广大医学生和病理学工作者的推崇和青睐。是美国医学生学习病理学的首选教材,病理医师资格考试的必读用书,也是我国中文病理教材编写的主要参考书。Robbins Basic Pathologpr原版的国际版和影印版已在国内销售,但由于价格依然偏高,某些内容与中国的教学习惯不完全吻合,尚难作为病理学教科书广泛应用。基于该书在国际上的影响力及我国的医学教育现状,北京大学医学出版社决定与ELSEVIER公司联合对该书进行改编。其目的是在不改变原书风格和基本内容的前提下,通过改编、精编和缩编使其内容和编排顺序符合中国的教学习惯。贴近前沿、贴近临床、贴近我国的教学实际是本书改编的主要宗旨。本书依据Robbins Basic Pathology的最新版第8版进行改编。在改编过程中,对本书的内容进行了删节、调整和适当补充,个别章节有较大的更新和改动。同时,在内容上兼顾了临床医学及其他相关专业和不同学制的需求。因此本书可用作临床医学、口腔、公共卫生专业的五年制、七年制、八年制和留学生的双语教学用书,也可作为病理医生和进修生的重要参考书,以及作为执业医师资格考试的复习用书。本书编委均来自教学第一线,在双语教学和教材编写方面均具有丰富的经验。在繁重的病理教学、科研和诊断工作的同时,大家辛勤劳作,不遗佘力地完成了初稿的编写;另有几位美国的病理学同道也参与了本书的编写。最后,又经美国的病理学专家翟启辉教授修改润色,反复斟酌,力求行文准确、简明易懂,体现原书的学术水平和语言风格。本书的编委会秘书陈方杰女士和山东大学病理学教研室的吴晓娟医师做了大量卓有成效的工作,山东大学病理学教研室的李丽、吴晓娟、项磊、张晓芳和桂婷参与了部分章节的二校,出版社的责任编辑也付出了辛勤劳动,在此一并表示感谢。另外,本书原版主编Kumar教授对本书的改编给予热情支持,并在百忙之中欣然作序,我们在享受其学术成果的同时,在此谨致由衷的谢意。改编是双语教材编写的尝试和探索,疏漏和错误在所难免,愿广大病理学同道和学生在使用中不断提出宝贵意见,以期再版时不断完善。
本书依据Robbins Basic Pathology的最新版第8版进行改编。在改编过程中,对本书的内容进行了删节、调整和适当补充,个别章节有较大的更新和改动。同时,在内容上兼顾了临床医学及其他相关专业和不同学制的需求。因此本书可用作临床医学、口腔、公共卫生专业的五年制、七年制、八年制和留学生的双语教学用书,也可作为病理医生和进修生的重要参考书,以及作为执业医师资格考试的复习用书。
作者:(美国)Kumar (美国)Abbas (美国)Fausto 等等 编者:翟启辉 周庚寅 合著者:陈杰 郑杰 来茂德
Introduction to PathologyChapter 1 Cell Injury, Cell Death, and AdaptationsChapter 2 Tissue Repair: Regeneration, Healing, and FibrosisChapter 3 Hemodynarnic DisordersChapter 4 Acute and Chronic InflammationChapter 5 Diseases of the Immune SystemChapter 6 NeoplasiaChapter 7 Genetic, Environmental and Nutritional DiseasesChapter 8 Cardiovascular SystemChapter 9 The LungChapter 10 The Gastrointestinal TractChapter 11 The Liver, Gallbladder, Biliary Tract, and PancreasChapter 12 The Hematopoietic and Lymphoid SystemsChapter 13 The Kidney and Its Collecting SystemChapter 14 The Male Genital SystemChapter 15 The Female Genital System and BreastCbapter 16 The Endocrine SystemCbapter 17 The Musculoskeletal SystemChapter 18 The Nervous SystemChapter 19 Pathology of Infectious DiseasesChapter 20 Parasitosis
插图:Intracellular AccumulationsUnder some circumstances cells may accumulate abnormalamounts of various substances, which may be harmless orassociated with varying degrees of injury. The substancemay be located in the cytoplasm, within organelles(typically lysosomes), or in the nucleus, and it may besynthesized by the affected cells or may be producedelsewhere.There are three main pathways of abnormal intracellularaccumulations:A normal substance is produced at a normal or anincreased rate, but the metabolic rate is inadequate toremove it. An example of this type of process is fattychange in the liver.A normal or an abnormal endogenous substanceaccumulates because of genetic or acquired defects inits folding, packaging, transport, or secretion. Mutationsthat cause defective folding and transport may lead to accumulation of proteins (e.g., l-antitrypsin deficiency).An abnormal exogenous substance is deposited andaccumulates because the cell has neither the enzymaticmachinery to degrade the substance nor the ability totransport it to other sites. Accumulations of carbon or silica particles are examples of this type of alteration.Fatty Change (Steatosis). Fatty change refers to anyabnormal accumulation of triglycerides within paren-chymal cells. It is most often seen in the liver, since this isthe major organ involved in fat metabolism, but it may alsooccur in heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, and other organs.Hepatic steatosis may be caused by toxins, proteinmalnutrition, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and anoxia.Alcohol abuse and diabetes associated with obesity arethe most common causes of fatty change in the liver (fattyliver) in industrialized nations.Free fatty acids from adipose tissue or ingested foodare normally transported into hepatocytes. Excessaccumulation of triglycerides may result from defectsat any step from fatty acid entry to lipoprotein exit,thus accounting for the occurrence of fatty liver afterdiverse hepatic insults. Hepatotoxins (e.g., alcohol) altermitochondrial and SER function and thus inhibit fattyacid oxidation; CCl4 and protein malnutrition decreasethe synthesis of apoproteins; anoxia inhibits fatty acidoxidation; and starvation increases fatty acid mobilizationfrom peripheral stores. Fatty change is reversible. In thesevere form, fatty change may precede cell death, andmay be an early lesion in a serious liver disease callednonalcoholic steatohepatitis.In any site, fatty accumulation appears as clear vacuoleswithin parenchymal cells. Special staining techniquesare required to distinguish fat from intracellular water orglycogen, which can also produce clear vacuoles but havea different significance. To identify fat microscopically,tissues must be processed for sectioning without theorganic solvents typically used in sample preparation.Usually, frozen sections are used; the fat is then identifiedby staining with Sudan III or oil red O (these stain fatorange-red). Glycogen may be identified by staining forpolysaccharides using the periodic acid-Schiff stain (whichstains glycogen red-violet). If vacuoles do not stain foreither fat or glycogen, they are presumed to be composedmostly of water.Mild fatty change in the liVer may not affect the grossappearance. With increasing accumulation, the organenlarges and becomes progressively yellow, soft, andgreasy. Early fatty change is seen by light microscopy assmall fat vacuoles in the cytoplasm around the nucleus. Inlater stages, the vacuoles coalesce to create cleared spacesthat displace the nucleus to the cell periphery (Fig. 1-12).Occasionally contiguous cells rupture, and the enclosed fatglobules unite to produce so-called fatty cysts. In the heart, lipid is found in the form of smalldroplets, occurring in one of two patterns. Prolongedmoderate hypoxia (as in profound anemia) results in focalintracellular fat deposits, creating grossly apparent bandsof yellowed myocardium alternating with bands of darker,red:brown, uninvolved heart ("tigered effect").
《病理学(第8版)(英文改编版)》是专门为中国医学生打造的病理学双语教材。由国内20家医学院校的病理学教授联合美国华裔病理学者依据Robbins Basic Pathology的最新版(第8版)进行改编。改编以国内教学大纲为依据,对原版内容进行了删节、调整和适当补充。改编版教材既保留了原版精华,保证教材权威性,又能够最大限度地适应国内双语教学需求。供医学各专业本科生、留学生、长学制、研究生双语教学使用。