
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:湖南大学出版社  作者:付检新,郭定芹 主编  页数:200  


  随着我国职业教育改革与发展的不断深入,坚持以就业为导向,构建以能力为本位,以基本职业素质和职业能力培养为主线,以模块化课程结构为主体,凸显高职与行业特色的课程体系,培养适合市场需求的高素质劳动者和实用型技术人才,已成为当前高等职业院校课程改革面临的重要课题!  模块化教学是国际劳工组织为提高劳动者素质开发出的技能培训模式,是目前高职教育普遍认可的教育模式,也是职业教育的成功经验。高职教育应以行业需求为导向,高职院校旅游管理类专业教育与旅游行业联系紧密,其专业人才培养更应体现其职业和岗位的特点。近年来,许多高职院校的旅游管理类专业均结合自身办学优势、专业特点和行业实际,在教学改革上做了大胆尝试,积极开展模块化教学研究,并取得了较为丰硕的成果。但将模块教学改革及课堂实践的理论贯穿于整个课程体系的建设并用以践行成套教材的编写,尤为鲜见。  一般来讲,高职模块化教学就是从岗位驱动入手,确定专业的职业能力培养目标,根据该目标将教学课程分解为若干模块,学生可根据自身兴趣精修不同模块,以实现不同的分目标,达到就业需求。而模块划分的最大特点是非学科完整性,是行动导向性的,更有利于开展课堂教学活动。模块的划分是以主题为中心把相关的知识组织到了一起,使之更加贴近生活、贴近学生需要,使内容变得更容易操作,有利于学生在活动中学习,在学习中活动。这些优点相对于传统教学有许多创新,也有非常好的效果。但对于教材的编写来说,却有相当难度。其主要原因是在教材的编撰过程中,模块的划分没有统一标准,也没有较成熟的方法借鉴,编写者往往很难把握其尺度。尤其对于基础理论课程教材的编撰,更是难以把握。基于此,我们组织了涵盖业内权威专家及有着丰富教学经验及旅游企业管理经验的教授、学者和骨干教师的作者团队,对此进行了积极、有效的探索。


本书以模块教学为指导,共设置了六大教学模块,内容涵盖了酒店前厅、客房、餐饮及康乐等主要前台部门的一线服务内容。教材注重学生能力的培养以及“教”与“学”的紧密结合,各模块均设置若干学习任务。各任务包括知识导入、热身练习、模拟对话、课堂活动、拓展阅读以及综合练习六个环节,体现了“教、学、练”一体化的教学理念,突出了高职教育的特色。    本书可作为高职院校旅游专业课程教材,也可作为旅游从业人员的培训教材。


模块一  Getting Started模块二  Front-Office Services  Task 1  Room Reservation  Task 2  Checking in  Task 3  Bell Service  Task 4  Telephone Service  Task 5  Checking out模块三  Housekeeping Services  Task 1  Room Cleaning  Task 2  Laundry and Valet Service  Task 3  Maintenance Service模块四  Food and Beverage Services  Task 1  Receiving the Diners  Task 2  Taking Orders  Task 3  Services during the Meal  Task 4  Room Service模块五  Other Services  Task 1  At the Business Center  Task 2  At the Recreation Center模块六  Dealing with Complaints附录一  英汉酒店常用词汇附录二  英汉酒店餐饮服务专用词汇表参考文献


  Classifying hotels into different types is not an easy task. The hotel in-dustry is so vast that many hotels do not fit into single well defined category.Hotels can be classified in various ways, based on location, facilities andservices offered, and guests served.1. Classification by target market  (l) Commercial Hotel  Commercial hotels provide services essentially for business people. Theyare usually located in downtown or business districts and operate year round.Many city hotels and diversely located motels fall into this group. Larger es-tablishments provide a variety of services for their guests, including a rangeof restaurants and beverage service options  from coffee bars to fine-diningrestaurants.  (2) Resort Hotel  A resort hotel may best be described as one where people go to relax andbe entertained. Resort hotels and motels are typically located in seaside, lakeor mountain areas, and they cater primarily to tourists and vacationers. Re-sort hotels provide all hotel services plus recreational facilities, such as swim-ming pools, tennis courts, game rooms, and health spas, as well as plannedsocial activities and entertainment. As the business of many resort hotelsfluctuates with the season, some resort hotels provide additional conventionand conference facilities to encourage customers to combine business withpleasure.  (3)Convention Hotel  Convention hotels are specifically designed to cater to people attending aconvention, business meeting or other social gatherings. These hotels havelarge convention complex, exhibition halls and banquet rooms. They are of-ten located outside metropolitan areas and provide spacious parking-lots.





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