出版时间:2008-9 出版社:湖南大学出版社 作者:陈曦 主编 页数:64
一、结核病(Tuberculosis) 1.肺结核并结核性胸膜炎(Pulmonary Tuberculosis Combined with Tuberculous Pleurisy) 2.不典型肺结核(Atypical Pulmonary Tuberculosis) 3.血行播散性肺结核(粟耪洼)(Hematogenous Pulmonary TuberculosisMiliary) 4.血行播散性肺结核(Hematogenous Pulmonary Tuberculosis ) 5.继发性肺结核(干酪性肺炎)(Secondary Pulmonary TuberculosisCaseous Pneumonia) 6.颈淋巴结结核(Tuberculosis of Jugular Lymph Node) 7.结核性脑膜炎并脑积水、脑萎缩(Tuberculous Meningitis Combined with Hydrocephalus and Encephalatrophy ) 8.结核性脑膜炎并脑积水(Tuberculous Meningitis Combined with Hydrocephalus) 9.纵膈淋巴结结核(Tuberculosis of Mediastinal Lymph Node) 10. 胸壁结核性脓肿(Chest Wall Tuberculous Abscess ) 11.腹腔淋巴结结核(Tuberculosis of Celiac Lymph Node ) 12. 皮肤结核性脓肿(Dermal Tuberculous Abscess) 13.肺结核合并耶氏肺孢子虫肺炎(PCP) (Pulmonary Tuberculosis Combined with PCP) 14. 结核性胸膜炎并液气胸(Tuberculous Pleurisy Combined with Hydropneumothorax) 15.肺结核并肺曲霉菌病(Pulmonary Tuberculosis Combined with Pulmonary Aspergillosis ) 16. 结核性心包炎并心包腔积液(Tuberculous Pericarditis Combined with Pericardial Effusion ) 二、肺部感染(Pulmonary Infections) 1.耶氏肺孢子虫肺炎( PCP)(Penumocystis Carinii Pneumonia) 2.真菌性肺脓疡(Fungal Pulmonary Abscess) 3.病毒性肺炎(Viral Pneumonia) 4.非结核分支杆菌肺病(Non-tuberculous Pulmonary Mycobacteriosis) 三、消化系统感染(Digestive System Infections) 1.口腔毛状白斑(Oral Hairy Leukophkia ) 2.口腔念珠茵病(Oral Candidiasis ) 3.口腔红斑型念珠茵病(Oral Erythematous Candidiasis ) 4.真菌性食道炎(Fungal Esophagitis) 5.食道真菌病(Esophagus Fungal Disease) 6.慢性丙型肝炎(Chronic Hepatitis C) 四、皮肤疾病(Dermal Diseases) 1.毛霉菌病(Mucormycosis) 2.青霉菌病,非霍奇金淋巴瘤(Penicilliosis, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma ) 3.青霉菌病(Penicilliosis) 4.带状疱疹-1(Herpes Zoster-1 ) 5.带状疱疹-2 (Herpes Zoster-2 ) 6.单纯疱疹-1(Herpes Simplex-I) 7.单纯疱疹-2(Herpes Simplex-2) 8.皮肤脓疱疹(Dermal Abscess) 9. 丹毒和蜂窝织炎(Erysipelas and Celhlitis) 10. 脂溢性皮炎(Seborrheic Dermatitis) 11. 皮肤真菌病(Dermal Fungal Disease) 12. 皮肤黏膜真菌病(Dermal Mucous Fungal Disease) 13. 头癣(Tinea Capitis) 14. 体癣(Tinea Corporis ) 15. 甲癣(Tinea Unguium ) 16. 银屑病(Psoriasis) 17. 皮肤卡波西肉瘤(Dermal Kaposi Sarcoma ) 五、中枢神经系统感染(Central Nervous System Infections) 1.脑弓形虫病(Cerebral Toxoplasmosis 2. HIV脑病(HIV-related Encephalopathy) 六、肿瘤(Neoplasm) 1.纵膈淋巴瘤(Mediastinal Lymphoma) 2. 非霍奇金淋巴瘤(Non-Hodgldn's Lymphoma) 3.肺卡波西肉瘤( Pulmonary Kaposi Sarcoma ) 七、药物不良反应(Drug Adverse Reaction) 1.药物疹-1 (Medicinal Rash-1 ) 2.药物疹-2 (Medicinal Rash-2 ) 3.自身免疫性溶血性贫A(Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia) 4.药物性贫血(Anemia Induced by Medicine) 5.精神分裂症(药物性)(Schizophrenia Induced by Medicine) 八、其他疾病(Other Disease) 1.淋巴结炎(Lymphadenitis) 2.多房性气胸(Multiple Aemthorax ) 3.血栓性静脉炎(Phlegmasia Thrombotic ) 4.尖锐湿疣-1(Venereal Verruca - 1) 5.尖锐湿疣-2 (Venereal Verruca -2) 6.组织胞浆茵病(Histoplasmosis) 7.深部真菌病(Deep Mycosis ) 后记