出版时间:2007-8 出版社:云南大学出版社 作者:段洁云 页数:246
With the quickened steps of globalization, English is learned and practiced by more and more people, and as a result, the English language we are exposed to today is not merely British English and American English but "Englishes" of different Eng lishspeaking countries. In order to better understand English for more efficient com munication with English speakers, English learners should have some social and cul tural knowledge about the Englishspeaking countries. Social and Cultural Mosaics of EnglishSpeaking Countries is a book intended for English majors and nonEnglish majors both as a textbook and a kind of reading material. This book aims to provide the students with a brief and comprehensible introduction to the social and cultural knowledge of the major Englishspeaking countries so that they can have a better un derstanding of the English materials they are learning or reading and are able to com municate successfully with English speakers. Unlike many other introductory textbooks which have their partiality for some historical or cultural knowledge, Social and Cultural Mosaics of EnglishSpeaking Countries touches upon not only the history but also the literature, music, mass media, family and other cultural aspects that English learners should know about the major Englishspeaking countries. The characteristics of the book lie in its integration of social and cultural knowledge, simplicity in language and brevity in introduction. The idea of compiling such a book originated from our teaching and research. Both Chinese and foreign teachers teaching this course have suggested adding more topics to the textbooks to make this course an integrated course on the social and cul tural knowledge of the major Englishspeaking countries so as to help students lay a solid foundation for their future English learning and academic pursuit. The topicori ented format and wide range of subjects lead to the choice of the term "mosaics" in the name of the book. The whole book consists of 17 units. As an organic part of this book, a couple of prereading questions are designed to arouse the students interest in reading and learning. Besides, different types of postreading activities are designed to help students in their understanding of each u nit and to motivate them to explore further on each topic.
Unit 1 Part 1 An Introduction to Britain(1) Part 2 An Introduction to Britain (2)Unit 2 Part 1 History of Britain (1) Part 2 History of Britain (2)Unit 3 Part 1 An Introduction to America(1) Part 2 An Introduction to America (2)Unit 4 Part 1 History of America(1) Part 2 History of America(2)Unit 5 Part 1 An Introduction to Australia Part 2 History of AustraliaUnit 6 Part 1 An Introduction to Canada Part 2 History of CanadaUnit 7 Part 1 An Introduction to New Zealand Part 2 History of New ZealandUnit 8 Part 1 Some Other English-speaking Countries Part 2 History of the English LanguageUnit 9 Part 1 English Literature Part 2 American LiteratureUnit 10 Part 1 British and American Education Part 2 Some of the World Famous Universities Unit 11 Part 1 Mass Media Part 2 WelfareUnit 12 Part 1 Life Style Part 2 MusicUnit 13 Part 1 Major Religions (1) Part 2 Major Religions (2)Unit 14 Part 1 European Renaissance Part 2 ColonialismUnit 15 Part 1 British Industrial Revolution and American Industrialization Part 2 The Three Stages of CapitalismUnit 16 Part 1 Holidays and Festivals Part 2 SkyscrapersUnit 17 Part 1 Some of the International Organizations Part 2 Classics of EnglishAppendix 1 Maps of Major English-speaking Countries Appendix 2 National Flags of Major English-speaking CountriesAppendix 3 Fifty States of the United StatesAppendix 4 Origins of American State NamesAppendix 5 The List of Presidents of the U.S. Appendix 6 Kings of the United KingdomAppendix 7 Prime Ministers of the United KingdomBibliography
Lunch comes at about one oclock. It generally consists of cold meat, potatoes, and salad made of lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, beetroots, etc. Sometimes these dishes are placed on the sideboard. Each person takes his plate, helps himself and comes back to his place. On the table are pepper, salt, mustard and sometimes vinegar. After that there is bread or biscuits and cheese. Most people drink water at lunch time; some drink beer or wine. It is not the custom to drink spirits like whisky or brandy even in wealthy homes in the middle of the day. Afternoon tea, taken between four and five, is the most informal meal of the day. If you are a friend of the family you may drop in for tea without an invitation or telling them that you are coming. Very often it is not served at a table. Each person has a cup and saucer, a spoon and a small plate for breadandbutter andcake. Two pieces of advice : do not help yourself to cake first; breadandbutter first, then cake if there is any ; do not put more than one piece of bread or cake on your plate at the same time. Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day and is a very formal meal. Many peo ple even wear special clothes for dinner. Dinner is generally served at about half past seven. The first course is soup, served on shallow plates and eaten quietly with.a fair ly large spoon. Then comes fish. There is often a knife and fork of special shape by each person for this course. The next course is the most important, which may gener ally be a joint of meat, a leg of lamb, pork, chicken or duck. With it are served va rious vegetables, peas, beans, cabbage or cauliflower. Some sort of pudding (or sweets) is generally the fourth course. After the pudding, the table is cleared and the dessert is brought on. However, it must not be imagined that all English people eat like this. Not 10% of them do so. As in all countries, the great majority of people are working class peo ple who can afford neither the time nor the money to live like this. More than 90% of English people have their dinner in the middle of the day, and it is cooked, not by a servant but by the mother of the family. In most houses the meals are breakfast, din ner, tea and supper, which is a cold meal for which nothing is cooked.