
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:东华大学出版社  作者:任再新,蒋敏 编著  页数:190  


《最新大学英语阅读拓展》一书,是以美国Laurence Behrens & Leonard J.Rosen教授的WRAC(Writing & Reading Across the Curriculum)《跨课程英语阅读与写作》理论为指导编写而成的。本书分别从政治、经济、法律、生物、心理、及媒体等六个不同的学科领域,选取英美国家真实的语言材料,旨在向英语学习者传递人文科学、社会科学和自然科学中最新的研究成果,并以此帮助学习者培养广泛的英语阅读兴趣和形成长期的英语阅读习惯。


Chapter 1  Politics  Focus Reading 1  Conservatism  Focus Reading 2  Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism  Related Reading 1  The Criminalization of Homelessness  Related Reading 2  Wrong Way to Help the HomelessChapter 2  Business  Focus Reading 1  The World's Greatest. Investor  Focus Reading 2  Into the Storm  Related Reading 1  Berkshire in 2008  Related Reading 2  What the Death of the Investment Bank Means for Wall StreetChapter 3  Law  Focus Reading 1  What Is Law?  Focus Reading 2  Present Your Case Systematically and Logically  Related Reading 1  The Nature and Substance of Crime  Related Reading 2  The Main Categories of Civil LawChapter 4  Biotechnology  Focus Reading 1  Fatalist Attraction: The Dubious Case against Fooling Mother Nature  Focus Reading 2  The Biotech Century  Related Reading 1  All the Reasons to Clone Human Beings  Related Reading 2  The Ultimate Therapy: Commercial Eugenics on the Eve of the Biotech CenturyChapter 5  Psychology  Focus Reading 1  Group Minds  Focus Reading 2  The Perils of Obedience  Related Reading 1  Review of Stanley Milgram's Experiments on Obedience  Related Reading 2  Disbedience as a Psychological and Moral ProblemChapter 6  Media  Focus Reading 1  Why We Crave Horror Movies  Focus Reading 2  Blowing the Lid off the ID  Related Reading 1  The Nightmare World  Related Reading 2  Horror Films参考答案


  The law of succession considers how property is passed along from one generation to another. The American legal system recognizes a persons right to dispose of his orher property as he or she wishes. One common way to do this is to execute a will. Ifa person leaves behind a valid will, the courts will enforce it. However, if someoneleaves no will (or has improperly drawn it up), then the person has-died intestate,and the state must dispose of the property.  The states disposition of the property is carried out according to the fixed schemeset forth in the state statutes. By law, intestate property passes to the deceasedpersons heirs——that is, to his or her nearest relatives. Occasionally a person who diesintestate has no living relatives. In that situation the property escheats, or passes, tothe state in which the deceased resided. State statutes often prohibit the more remoterelatives, such as second cousins and great uncles and aunts, from inheriting.


  在《最新大学英语阅读拓展》选材和编写过程中,我们力求突出三大特色:第一,材料真实,内容丰富,其语言地道而纯正。第二,选材广泛,风格多样,读者可以接触到不同学科、不同风格的多种多样的语言表达特征。  第三,题文并茂,眼界开阔,每篇阅读文章后面都配有阅读理解题、思考讨论题和翻译练习题.三位一体,整体联动,有助于学习者拓宽思路,更好地理解原文。



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