
出版时间:2010-11  出版社:东华大学出版社  作者:李鋆 编  页数:128  字数:233000  


《中考英语必备——词汇与语法》是根据教材、考试说明、中考改革的实际情况,针对初中学生英语学习而编写的专用辅导用书。本书内容翔实,练习讲解精辟。训练题按全国中考试题的题型和改革思路设计,这为本书增加了实用可读的内容,更好地体现了素质教育的要求,能使学生更有效地培养自己运用英语的能力,更好地掌握语言知识点,从而在实践中逐步摸索出适合自己的一套学习规律来。  本书是根据中华人民共和国教育部制订的《全日制义务教育英语课程标准(实验稿)》中的“语法项目表”而编写的,这样就能使学生对初中阶段应掌握的语法项目有个全面的学习,也避免了在学习中遗漏要点或走偏了方向。  为了使学生能充分利用本书去学好语法,本书针对日常教学的实际需要进行了针对性的练习。本书安排的近几年的中考题使学生把当前的基础知识学习与将来的中考要求紧密联系,从而激发现在的学习热情,尽早熟悉中考的题路,在学中用、在用中学,能知其然又能知其所以然,将语法知识的条文尽早地转化为语言运用的能力。  在本书的编写过程中得到了刘崇江和李泽桓二位同志的大力协助,在此向他们表示衷心的感谢。




一、名词 【中考真题】 【专项训练】二、冠词 【中考真题】 【专项训练】三、数词 【中考真题】 【专项训练】四、代词 【中考真题】 【专项训练】五、形容词和副词 【中考真题】 【专项训练】六、介词 【中考真题】 【专项训练】七、连词 【中考真题】 【专项训练】八、动词 【中考真题】 【专项训练】九、时态和语态十、非谓语动词十一、主谓一致十二、句子的种类十三、状语从句十四、宾语从句十五、定语从句参考答案与解析


  12. ——How about going biking this weekend?Sorry, I prefer __ rather than __  A. to go out, stay at home  B. to stay at home, go out  C. staying at home, to go out  D. going out, stay at home  13. There is no difference between the two sweaters, so I really dont know __  A. which choose one  B. which to choose one  C. to choose which one  D. which one to choose  14. Do you still remember __ with Yao Ming in Beijing?  ——Yes, of course, three years ago.  A. to meet  B. meeting  C. meet  D. met  15. At least 300 million people are using QQ _________ by Ma Huateng to chat on line.  A. create  B. creates  C. creating  D. created  16. ——I cant decide  You mean the purple sweater or the blue one?  A. how to go there  B. who to go with  C. where to visit  D. which to choose  17. The teachers often tell their pupils __ across the road when the traffic light is red.  A. not go  B. not to go  C. dont go  D. didnt go  18. Most of the young people enjoy  Jay Chous songs.  A. sing  B. sang  C. singing  D. to sing  19. When we came to the gate, he stopped __ me go in first.  A. to let  B. to tell  C. to allow  D. to ask  20. They were all so tired that they could __  A. do nothing but sleep  B. do anything but sleep  C. do nothing but to sleep





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