
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:东华大学出版社  作者:中考英语编写组  页数:153  


  中考是非常重要的升学考试,是名校选拔优秀学生的关键途径。所以熟悉和掌握中考试题就显得特别迫切。我们针对中考试题灵活性、地方性、时代性的特征,立足知识点、考点,以提高学生拓展思维和解题能力为方向,编写了这套“中考英语”丛书,含词汇与语法、阅读理解、完形填空三个分册。  本丛书紧贴时代和最新中考教育方向两大背景,体现了地方性、实用性、训练性、参考性、资料性、时代性的特征。  本丛书去粗取精,在完备考点、知识点的前提下,没有入选那些简易、送分试题。精选了全国各地教育发达地区(特别是沿海地区)的最具难度、最经典、含金量高、最具参考价值的核心中考题。  本丛书完全汇编了上海八年中考英语试题,同时精选汇编了历年全国其他发达地区的试题作为练习。最后是“最新热门英语考试试题大链接”,汇编了适合中考的外、围热门英语考试试题,作为拓展视野和能力训练。  本丛书不仅是反映中考方向,融会中考英语试题的颠峰之作,而且是送给学生的一份强势中考大餐,为考生和老师全方位打造的贴心教辅。




第一卷 中考英语完形填空试题 一、选择完形填空  2009年初中升学考试 上海市  2008年初中升学考试 上海市  2007年初中升学考试 上海市  2006年初中升学考试 上海市  2005年初中升学考试 上海市  2004年初中升学考试 上海市  2003年初中升学考试 上海市  2002年初中升学考试 上海市  2009~2005年初中升学考试 全国各省市   答案及解题 二、写词完形填空  2009年初中升学考试 上海市  2008年初中升学考试 上海市  2007年初中升学考试 上海市  2006年初中升学考试 上海市  2005年初中升学考试 上海市  2004年初中升学考试 上海市  2003年初中升学考试 上海市  2002年初中升学考试 上海市  2009~2005年初中升学考试 全国各省市   答案及解题第二卷 最新热门英语考试试题大链接  英语竞赛试题大搜索 最新热门试题大搜索 答案及解题


  Three soldiers were on their way home from the war. They arrived at a small village, they were verytired and 1 , but they had no food or money. The only thing they did have was a cooking pot.  The soldiers built a small cooking fire,2 their pot on it, and poured in some water. When a fewvillagers asked what they were doing, one of the soldiers answered that he was making stone soup. A fewmore villagers walking by stopped to 3 what was going on when they heard about it.  "Any soup needs salt and pepper," the first soldier said,4 some children ran to fetch salt andpepper. "Stones can be used to prepare good soup, but tomatoes would 5it so much better," thesecond soldier added. One woman said", Why, I think I have a tomato or two ! "She ran to get thetomatoes.  "Some cabbage would be a proper choice for a good stone soup! " said the third soldier. Anotherwoman said,"I think I can probably find some cabbage," and 6she ran.  "If only we had a bit of beef and some potatoes, this soup would be fit for a rich mans 7. "Thevillagers thought it over, then ran to fetch what they had in their homes. A rich mans soup, and all from afew stones! It seemed like 8!  The soldiers said," If only we had a little milk, this soup would be fit for a king!"And so othervillagers 9 to get some milk. "The soup is ready, " said the cooks, "and all will 10 it,but firstwe need to set the tables. " Some of the villagers said, "Such a great soup would be better 11somebread and cakes," so they brought the 12two things and the meal was 13by all. Never hadthere been such a 14meal. Never had the villagers had such delicious soup, and all made fromstones! They ate and drank and danced well into the night.





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