
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:东华大学出版社  作者:周益军 编  页数:266  


随着中国加入世贸组织,中国经济快速发展,经济全球化等,这些大背景给学生带来了更广阔的就业平台。但同时,对学生的英语水平也有了更高的要求。熟练的专业技术加上精良的专业英语知识无疑就是高技能、紧缺人才所必备的。因此,学好专业英语显得尤为重要。    本书是按照《高职高专院校机械工程类专业英语教学大纲》所编写的。编者在多年教学实践经验的基础上,力求按照行业培养的宽口径,使专业英语教材具有良好的通用性。并根据高职高专教育的应用性特征,使专业英语具有较强的实用性和针对性。    全书由材料科学、材料成形、机械制造、汽车、模具、机器人、CAD/CAM等七部分组成,共分成七个单元。每个单元均由课文、词汇、注释、相关练习和参考译文等五个部分组成。内容以材料工程、机械设计、机械制造、机电一体化、汽车制造与维修、模具设计与制造、数控技术、计算机辅助设计与制造等专业技术及其最新发展讯息为主,对所选的阅读材料中出现的语言重点和难点做了详细的注释。选材精炼,课文后配有生词短语表、注释和相应的练习,促进学生“学必思考,学练结合”。书后附有参考译文和练习答案,便于学生理解和核查自己学习与掌握的内容。    本书可作为高职高专机械设计与制造类、机电控制等专业的教材,也可供工商管理专业、经济类专业和英语专业学生、技术人员学习参考。建议教师根据各专业的学生情况,可不受教材编排顺序的限制,进行适当筛选。对老师没有选用的单元,学生可根据自己的兴趣和需要自学其中的部分内容,以拓宽专业英语的知识面。


ForewordUnit 1 Lesson 1 Materials Scien Lesson 2 The History of Metallurgy Lesson 3 Metallurgy Lesson 4 Metal Lesson 5 Materials in lndustryUnit 2 Lesson 1 Casting Lesson 2 Forging Lesson 3 Welding Lesson 4 The History of WeldingUnit 3 Lesson 1 Lathe (metal) Lesson 2 Milling Machine Lesson 3 NC AND (CNC) Lesson 4 Milling Cutter Lesson 5 Types of Milling Cutter Lesson 6 Computer Numerical ControlUnit 4 Lesson 1 The History and Major Development of Automobile Lesson 2 Engine Operating Principles Lesson 3 Engine Construction Lesson 4 The Power TrainUnit 5 Lesson Forming of Sheet Metals Lesson Metal Stamping Process and Die Design Lesson Plastics and Injection Molding Lesson Design of Injection Mold Lesson Die CastingUnit 6 Lesson 1 Food Robotics Lesson 2 Robotic InspectionUnit 7 Lesson 1 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Lesson 2 Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)Exercise & AnswerVocabulary


  2. Fundamentals of materials science  4 In materials science, rather than haphazardly looking for and discovering materials and exploiting their properties, the aim is instead to understand materials so that new materials with the desired properties can be created. 5 Thebasis of materials science involves relating the desired properties and relative performance of a material in a certain application to the structure of the atoms and phases in that material through characterization. The major determinants of the structure of a material and thus of its properties are its constituent chemical elements and the way in which it has been processed into its final form. These characteristics, taken together and related through the laws of thermodynamics, govern a material s microstructure, and thus its properties.  6 The manufacture of a perfect crystal of a material is currently physically impossible. Instead materials scientists manipulate the defects in crystalline materials such as precipitates, grain boundaries (Hall-Petch relationship), interstitial atoms, vacancies or substitutional atoms, to create materials with the desired properties.  7 Not all materials have a regular crystal structure. Glasses, some ceramics, and many natural materials are amorphous, not possessing any long-range order in their atomic arrangements. Polymers display varying degrees of crystallinity, and many are completely non-crystalline. Polymers are studied in the fields of polymer chemistry, polymer physics, and polymer science.




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