
出版时间:2013-4  出版社:东华大学出版社  作者:编写组  页数:434  字数:380000  


为了满足初中阶段学生提高英语水平和备战中考的需要,为了对初中阶段知识点和题型能够全面掌握、烂熟于胸,为了配合当代中学生英语学习的要求和方向,作者选取了中考真题和其他热门英语真题,编写了这套知识点、题型辅导专项系列丛书。    针对并结合教师教学、学生自学的课堂、课余时间,作者在题量的设计上精益求精,尽量满足实际需要,故合理分配知识点、题型300篇的练习量,这样既对知识点进行了全面的梳理,又起到了训练中熟悉、提高的效果。


阅读·人间万象  热点嘹望类  文学新闻类  人文教育类  文娱健康类  军政外交类  史地旅游类  社会与自然类  图表与应用类  科普与经济类阅读·中考阅览  对话类  判断类  选择类  问答类阅读·考场模拟  模拟训练(1)  模拟训练(2)  模拟训练(3)  模拟训练(4)  模拟训练(5)  模拟训练(6)  模拟训练(7)  模拟训练(8)  模拟训练(9)  模拟训练(10)  模拟训练(11)  模拟训练(12)  模拟训练(13)  模拟训练(14)  模拟训练(15)  模拟训练(16)  模拟训练(17)  模拟训练(18)  模拟训练(19)  模拟训练(20)参考答案


  make themselves understand how they should do it. Slowly they canmake some changes they need.  But in school we never let a child himself find out his mistakesanti,correct them for himself. We usually think he never knows hismistakes if we do not tell him or he never corrects them if we do notmake him do it. We should try to let him find out the answers to theproblems ,and find good ways of working them out with the help ofother children if he wants.  Can teachers give the students answer books if they do mathsproblems? Let them correct their homework all by themselves. Whenthe students tell their teachers that they cant find the ways to get theright answers, the teachers should help them. Let the students knowwhat they must learn, how to judge their own understand/ng (理解力) ,how to know what they know or what they do not know. These arethe most important.  Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)  1. The text tells us that the children should learn things by(通过).  A. listening to other people  B. doing what other people do  C. making mistakes and then correcting them  D. asking other people many questions  2. Which of the following is fight? The teachers  A. never give the students answers  B. dont let the students make mistakes  C. dont always correct the studentsmistakes when they make mistakes  D. only give the students the answers when they do problems.



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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   买给侄子的,希望以趣味的方式让他学好英语,还不错
  •   单词不难,多做多练对我的英语有很大的帮助。
  •   我觉挺好
  •   这本书挺好,很厚而封面也很美丽。但,美中不足的是,这本书不够大...我写的时候有点吃力,如果这本书够大的话,我想就很好了
  •   文章什么的很好,就是纸张有点粗糙了。不过,很值得呢~~~
  •   没得意见

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