
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:东华大学出版社  作者:《高考英语》编写组 编  页数:216  


为适应高中教育的需求和发展,并结合时代和社会的步伐,我们推出了这套针对高中考生和教师专用的系列品牌教辅,多年来受到了师生广泛的欢迎。为了体例和知识点的完善,吸取了教师和考生的广泛意见,并结合多年的实践经验,本套书在过去的基础上精益求精,特推出了全新加量版。    本套书在实践中不断的总结和发展,目前已成为内容丰厚、试题全面、指导性强、体现最新、反映高考方向的强势高考大餐。


第一卷 历年高考英语词汇与语法试题  一、名词  二、冠词  三、数词  四、代词  五、形容词和形容词的级  六、副词和副词的级  七、情态动词  八、动词的时态  九、动词的语态  十、非谓语动词(不定式/动名词/现在分词/过去分词)  十一、虚拟语气  十二、介词及其短语  十三、并列连词与并列结构  十四、从属连词与状语从旬  十五、简单句、Sere be句型、语序等句型  十六、名词性从句及复合句  十七、定语从句及复合句  十八、反意疑问、祈使、感叹句型  十九、it的用法及强调句  二十、主谓一致  二十一、倒装、省略句  二十二、交际用语  二十三、名词及其短语  二十四、形容词及其短语  二十五、副词及其短语  二十六、动词及其短语  二十七、单词拼写第二卷 最新热门英语考试链接  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷一  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷二  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷三  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷四  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷五  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷六  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷七  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷八  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷九  最新热门英语考试词汇与语法试卷十  答案及详解附加卷 最新英语模拟试题与参考答案


  2008 - 1990年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试  1. The village is far away from here indeed. Its __ walk.  A. a lbur hour B. a four hoursC. a four-hours   D. a four hours(2004 上海春季)  2. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took     pictures of them.  A. many of     B. masses of    C. the number of  D. a large amount of  (2003 上海)  3. The __ is just around the cornet and you wont miss it.  A. bicycles shopB. bicycle shopC. bicycles shop  D. bicycles shop  (2001 上海春季)  4. What he has done is far from  A. satisfactory B. satisfied  C, satisfaction   D. satisfy        (2000 上海)  5. We waited     for the bus.  A. long time  B. a long time   C. the long time  D. some long time (1995 上海)  6. __ will make a trip around the world during the coming Christmas.  A. The Evens    B. The Evens   C. The EvensesD. The Evenses     (1993 上海)  7. Dr Smith is going to pull out one of my __  A. teeth    B. tooth      C. teeths   D. toothes     (1986 上海)  2008 - 1990年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试  1. He doesnt have __ furniture in his room--just an old desk.  A. any       B. many   C. some   D. much        (2008 陕西)  2. Would you like __,sir? --No,thanks. I have had much.  A. some more oranges        B. any more oranges  C. some more orange        D. any more orange           (2005福建)  3. Youll find this map of great __ in helping you to get round London.  A. price    B. cost    C. value      D. usefulness      (1998 全国)  4. Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Jnst have a little __  A. wait    B. time      C. patience  D. rest      (1996 全国)  5. He gained his __ by printing     of famous writers.  A. wealth; workB. wealths; works C. wealths; work  D. wealth; works    (1995全国)  语法考点专题汇集  1. A __ of smoke rose slowly from the roof of the hut.  A. piece    B. column     C. stream   D. bar  2. The beggar always asks tot a     of bread and a glass of beer.  A. section   B. column     C. loaf    D. part  3. Some __ have been brought in from the car.  A. package     B. packages    C. the packageD. the packages  4. Hc then took __ butter, with the result that hardly any was left for the rest of us.  A. a few      B. a little   C. many      D. a number of  5. I have fewer     than [ did at the beginning of the term.  A. homework              B. homework assignment  C. homeworks              D. homework assignments  6. This is  . She wrote her name on the first page  A. a Sherrys book         B. a book of Sherry  C. a book of Sherrys        D. Sherrys a book  7. Do you know 9 He seems to know you well.



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