
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:北京师范大学出版集团,安徽大学出版社  作者:胡学文,李晓陆,毕铭,张同乐 著  页数:273  


  随着我国改革开放的深入发展及国际交往与合作的日益广泛,英语作为信息传播和国际交流的载体在中国走向世界的过程中起着越来越重要的作用,而口语交际能力的提高更为高校英语教育工作者和社会各界所重视。为适应时代发展的需求,我们组织了长期辛勤耕耘在教学第一线的部分专家、教授、优秀教师编写了这套《大学英语口语教程》,旨在通过翔实严谨的语言素材、系统实用的练习板块,使英语学习者经过大量的语言训练后能打下扎实的基本功,顺利达到自由交际之目的。  1.编写宗旨  本《教程》是根据《大学英语教学课程要求》的精神为大学非英语专业学生量身定做的。《教程》的主要目标是培养学生的英语听说能力,尤其是口语表达能力,使他们在今后的工作中能用英语顺利地进行口头交际。同时也注意到增强学生的自主学习能力,开阔视野、改善思维,全面提高其综合文化素质和跨文化交际意识。




Unit 1 AdvertisingStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 2 Job and OccupationStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 3 PersonalityStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 4 Comedy and HumourStarting outModal SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 5 Stock MarketStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 6 Social ProblemsStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 7 HealthStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 8 Cross-culture AwarenessStarting outModel Speaki.ngCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 9 Environmental ProtectionStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 10 TransportationStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 11 StressStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 12 Public ServiceStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 13 Financial CrisesStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 14 PartyStarting outModel SpeakingCreative SpeakingIts Up to YouFurther ReferenceUnit 15 EuthanasiaUnit 16 High-techUnit 17 Laws and OrdersUnit 18 Academic Corruption


  Color in Chinese culture refers to the various colors that are considered auspicious orinauspicious. The Chinese character for color is Yan Se. In ancient China, the charactermore accurately meant color in the face. During the Tang Dynast.y, Yan Se began to referto all color. The Chinese idiom " Wu (five) Yan Liu (six) Se", which is used todescribe many colors, may also suggest colors in general.  Black, corresponding to water, is a neutral color. The I Ching, or Book of Changes,regards black as Heavens color. The saying "heaven and earth of mysterious black" wasrooted in the observation that the northern sky was black for a long time. They believedTian Di, or Heavenly Emperor, resided in the North Star.



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