
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:郑州大学出版社  作者:邱延霞  页数:526  


  为了满足“3+2”教学的需求,经高等医学教育中专起点专科教材(3+2)编写委员会的统一组织,编写了供“3+2”学生使用的教材共25种,《医学英语》是其中的一种。  本教材的特点是:以中专为起点,由浅入深,循序渐进;题材广泛,内容新颖;题材多样,语言规范;集思想性、趣味性、针对性和实用性为一体。本教材不仅可供高等医学院校各专业“3+2”学生使用,而且也非常适合成人医学专科院校、中专卫校以及医疗卫生行业进行外语培训、业余学习之用。  全书分为上、下两册。上册为主教材,用于课堂教学,按148学时编写,供两学期使用。下册为辅助教材,用于课堂教学的延伸、补充和加强,为发挥学生的主动性提供了个性化学习的空间。  上册每单元设有对话、课文、词汇表、课文注释、语法、练习、阅读材料和趣味英语等。为了增加教材的实用性和针对性,附录中有汉英常用医学研究单位名称、常用护理术语、常用医疗器械名称等。为了从一定程度上提高学生阅读医学文章的能力和医学应用文的写作能力,上册专门设有5个单元的“读写训练”内容,这不仅突出了教材的特点更增强了教材的实用性。


《医学英语》(上册)Unit 1 Dialogues (A) Greeting(B) RegistrationText Welcome to Our CollegeStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus Nouns/Articles/PrepositionsUnit 2 Dialogues (A) Introduction(B) Appointment with a DoctorTexts (A) How Our Human Body Is Built(B) The Sun and the WindStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree of Adjectives and AdverbsUnit 3 Dialogues (A) Family(B) At the Doctor'sText Wonderful Wonders of the WorldStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus VerbsUnit 4 Dialogues (A) Invitation(B) ColdTexts (A) An Announcement(B) SystemsStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus Future TensePractice Your Reading and WritingUnit 5 Dialogues (A) Preparation for Dinner(B) At the Dentist' sText Forbidden CityStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus Continuous TensesUnit 6 Dialogues (A) Shopping(B) Hematological Examination①Texts (A) How to Act as a Guest in America(B) BirthStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus Perfect TensesUnit 7 Dialogues (A) Asking Price(B) X-ray ExaminationTexts (A) The Mississippi(B) A General HospitalStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus VoicesUnit 8 Dialogues (A) Asking the Way(B) Diet InstructionText Diet to Prevent CancerStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus Sentence PatternsPractice Your Reading and Writing ②Unit 9 Dialogues (A) Taking Bus(B) Quit SmokingText InternetStudy and PracticeGrammar Focus Attributive ClausesUnit 10 Dialogues (A) Telephone……《医学英语》(下册)



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