出版时间:2007-9 出版社:东北大学 作者:刘春艳 页数:176
对于在读大学生来讲,英语四、六级考试成绩的重要意义是不言而喻的。因此,在四、六级考试前学生们往往需要拿出相当多的时间,耗费巨大精力,去熟悉题型,强化训练,以期考出好成绩。然而,在多年的英语教学实践中,我们发现:考前的强化训练确有一定的作用,然而,如果把考前训练前移,即加强日常学习中有针对性的同步训练,则效果更佳。正是出于上述考虑,我们编写出这套大学英语同步训练丛书,意在平时夯实基础、循序渐进,课程结束已是水到渠成,等待的是考试后的一举成功。丛书共四册,即 大学英语同步训练1 大学英语同步训练2 大学英语同步训练3 大学英语同步训练4丛书的出版意义在于,强化日常学习教材过程中的同步训练,巩固每学期所学的英语知识并进行全方位复习,熟悉四、六级考试题型,最终达到提高英语应用能力之目的。 丛书是根据《大学英语课程教学要求》和《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案》编写而成。其主要内容及特点是: 一、完全同步,丛书的1,2,3,4册,分别对应于大学一,二年级的四个学期,针对性强,程度与所学教材相当,所用题型与英语四级考试题型完全一致。 二、信息量大,其内容、格式、题材、体裁、长度等方面均与真题保持高度一致,十分有利于学生熟悉新题型。 三、答案与解析详尽,在给出答案的基础上,有些试题还给出简明扼要的讲解、评析,既突出重点,又给学生们留下思考的余地。 四、配有听力光盘,由专业外教录音,发音标准,声音清晰。 本书为丛书的第一册。为了刚入学的一年级新生能够打好坚实的基础,本书保留了部分传统的题型,如词汇题、阅读题、完型填空题等。其他部分则采用了710分新题型的考核思维模式,加大了新题型的训练。由于听力部分分值加大(占35%),本书除保持原来的长短对话和三篇短文之外,增加了复合式听写。这就要求学生不但能听懂,而且要准确迅速地写出来,从而加强了对学生英语基本功和语言输出能力的考核。此外,本书增加了作文,目的是希望学生们能够尽快地学会写作。为了避免学生提笔忘词,能够顺利地从高中英语过渡到大学英语,本书作文除了有提示语以外,有些作文还给出了一系列可能在写作中遇到的关键词做参考。同时书后附有范文供学生自我评估。 本书由从事大学英语教学多年、经验丰富的教师编写。由于时间仓促,疏漏和不足之处在所难免,恳请广大读者不吝赐教。衷心希望该丛书能对广大学生有所帮助。
Part one practice testPractice test 1Practice test 2Practice test 3Practice test 4Practice test 5Practice test 6Practice test 7Practice test 8Practice test 9Practice test 10Part two key to practice testKey to practice test 1Key to practice test 2Key to practice test 3Key to practice test 4Key to practice test 5Key to practice test 6Key to practice test 7Key to practice test 8Key to practice test 9Key to practice test 10Part three Tapescripts for listening comprehension
12.Where did he meet many outstanding men?13.How old was he when he got his Ph.D.degree?14.In which year did Martin Luther King die? Good morning!As you know this is the course in beginning,Economies.We will meet each Monday,Wednesday and Friday at 9 o'clock for the next twelve weeks.Each MondaY and Wednesday I'U give a lecture on the different concepts and thoughts concerning economics based on this book.I hope everybody will go and buy this book by John Dewey after the first class.Also on Monday and Wednesday I'11 show you some cases and examples in this field.On Friday we'11 have discussions on some special topics. As a requirement 1 would like you to write three papers on these topics.Your first paper should be finished within four weeks。and the other two have to be handed in one week before the end of this semester.Each paper should be two thousand words long and should be typed.There will be no exam,so I'11 give the grades only on these papers and your participation in the discussion.Are there questions?Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15.How long does this course,Economics。last?16.What will they do on Friday morning?17.When are the students expected to hand in the last two papers? In every language there are words that have interesting stories behind them.The word“sandwich”,for example。is very common in English.If we want to know the story behind it,we must know some-thing about an Englishman named Sandwich who lived in the 18th century. Sandwich was rich,but he liked to play cards for money.He often played for 24 hours,and didn'teven stop to have his meals.He ordered his servants to bring him some meat and bread and he playedwhile eating.He put the meat between two pieces of bread and he held the food in his left hand while heplayed with his right hand.People liked Sandwich's idea and began to eat brqad and meat in this way. From the name of the man Sandwich.we have the word“sandwich”today.Questions 18 to 20 are based 0n the passage you have just heard.18.When did we start to have the word“sandwich''for this particular kind of food?19.Why did Sandwich play cards?20.Which of the following is true according to the passage? ……