
出版时间:2007-10  出版社:东北大学  作者:刘然  页数:173  字数:281000  


根据《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》而设立的“高等学校英语应用能力考试(笔试)”已经进行了10年。此项考试的特点是:内容侧重实际应用,题型变化多样,主观题多于客观题。因此,此项考试既能检验学生的英语基础知识,又能考核学生对英语的应用能力。    此书在出版之前,所有试题在作者学校已经试用过多年,均收到良好的效果。通过对此书的学习,不仅能够提高学生的英语能力A级考试成绩,还有助于提高学生的英语应用能力。这是设立这项考试的目的,也是作者编写此书的目的。  本书由10套A级模拟试题、答案和文字录音材料组成。在答案部分中详细的解释说明,尤其在写作部分的解释中,还扩展了一些基本的写作句型,有利于提高学生的写作水平。本书配有由外籍专家录制的录音磁带。


Part One Practice Tests  Test 1  Test 2  Test 3  Test 4  Test 5  Test 6  Test 7  Test 8  Test 9  Test 10Part two Key to practice tests  Test 1  Test 2  Test 3  Test 4  Test 5  Test 6  Test 7  Test 8  Test 9  Test 10Part three Scripts for listening comprehension


  Directions:This task iS the same as 1ask 1.T"he 5 questions or UnBnished statements are humbered 41 through 45.  In the past hundred years a million people have died in earthquakes,another million have been killed by hurricanes(飓风)and tornadoes(龙卷风)and 9 million have lost their lives in floods.In addition to this many millions more have died as a result of famine(饥荒)and disease.We should also not forget in many of the world’S countries drought,chronic water shortage,is a fact of life,especially in the African Sahel region bordering the Sahara desert.  Scientists and engineers around the world have made great advances in earthquake  engineering.It is,of course,unfeasible physically to move cities such as Tokyo and San Francisco that have been built in earthquake zones.But most often it is not the earth-  quake that kills people,it is the collapsing buildings,bridges and other structures that cause deaths,and the likelihood of that happening can be greatly reduced by better  building programmes.  Finally,perhaps we need to consider the natural disaster that we are causing our selves.Through our mismanagement of the planet’S resources we have catapulted hun- dreds of species of plants and animals into extinction,at the same time possibly wrecking (毁坏)our own long.term prospects for survival.Maybe this is one disaster that could be avoided if we are willing to act with a sense of responsibility.  41.The first paragraph mainly tells US that__________________.  A)we should not forget the disasters caused by the nature  B)earthquakes are the most dangerous disaster in the world  C)hurricanes and tornadoes are major disasters  D)water is short in African Sahel region  42.What the African Sahel region has to face is_________________.  A)earthquakes  B)floods  C)hurricanes and tornadoes D)chronic water shortage  43.In order to reduce the death caused by earthquake,we should_______________.  A)move Tokyo and San Francisco to a safe place  B)teach people how to escape during the earthquake  C)make up better building programmes  D)make great advances in earthquake engineering  44.According to the passage,what’S the main factor that causes the extinction of some species of plants?  A)The mismanagement of the planet’S resources.  B)The bad climate.  C)The shortage of water.




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  •   其实确定买这本书之前我是通过同学了解这本书的,刚开始做这本书时就觉得这本书挺不错的,书的内容难易程度很适中,不会出现象其他有些书说是二级练习书,但内容其实有些是很难的,根本就超出二级的水平.对于这本书,还有一点我很欣赏的就是题目的分析很详细,还会在一些短语和词语的基础上引申一些类似或者容易混淆的相关知识点,这样就可以使我们在深入了解的前提下,记多很多内容.另外,对文章的全文翻译也不错,这样能让我们整体了解文章,容易整体把握,从而更好地理解文章的主旨或中心思想.
  •   用起来还行!

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